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Does the Gale-Shapley algorithm provide just one allocation?

I know that in a marriage problem for example, you may have more than one stable allocation but I think that the Gale-Shapley algorithm just provide only one. Am I right? Does the Gale-Shapley ...
userF's user avatar
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Gale-Shapley algorithm with multiple partners for each side

Suppose I have a bipartite graph with males on one side and females on the other. The usually discussed Gale-Shapley algorithm matches each male to a female, and ends up with a stable matching. What ...
Ishan Kashyap Hazarika's user avatar
4 votes
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Resourcess to study matching (game theory)

I want to study matching markets, algorithms etc. in a fairly comprehensive way. I would want to learn the theory primarily, but books that offer applications as examples would be preferable as long ...
Ishan Kashyap Hazarika's user avatar
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Forward Induction Procedure

Does a mechanical set of rules or algorithm exist for doing forward induction on a game tree, or is it an "every problem is too unique and requires its own reasoning" type of situation? I ...
user10478's user avatar
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Is there any known algorithm to negotiate a price between co-owners who want to sell an item? [closed]

I am looking for an algorithm or a mechanism that I could implement for a specific case in my smart contract. How can multiple co-owners of an item agree efficiently on a selling price? I am not ...
Ayden's user avatar
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Algorithmic pricing

Many sellers operating in digital platforms (like Amazon) nowadays rely on artificial intelligence algorithms to set their prices and adjust them over time. I wonder whether there is a sense in the ...
Star's user avatar
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Algorithmic game theory and decentralized exchange of information

An intresting topic that I want to understad has to do with the decentralized exchange of information among a network of agents, however there is not a specific theory to make such a mathematical ...
Nav89's user avatar
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Stable roommates problem: returning a list of ideal matches, even when stable matching doesn't exist

I am trying to find a way to return a list of ideal matches based on preferences. This is similar to the Stable Roommate Problem. I have a list of people, and each person has ranked everyone else from ...
jameskyolk's user avatar
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The college admissions problem with externalities

In the classic College Admissions problem, there are $m$ colleges and $n$ students. The colleges have a preference over the students and the students have preferences over the colleges. The students ...
Ishan Kashyap Hazarika's user avatar
2 votes
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Generating profit by leveraging fluctuations

I was writing some code akin to a sound limiter when it occurred to me that if you could find something fluctuating in price between two extremes (what and when those extremes would be isn't relevant ...
Douwe's user avatar
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House allocation: Data notation correction with Top Trading Cycles (TTC) example

I am trying to understand TTC algorithm for house allocation. I have got a small problem. I am trying to understand the following example: IE=[i1 , i2 , i3 , i4], IN=[i5], Ho=[h1 , h2 , h3 , h4], ...
user2994783's user avatar
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What is the latest thinking on the economic calculation problem? [closed]

Eric Posner and Glen Weyl write in the epilogue of Radical Markets (2018) that they “remain confident that for at least a few generations markets – Radical Markets, that is – will remain the best ...
sba222's user avatar
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Algorithm to find Bayesian Nash Equilibria [closed]

I am working on a Bayesian game with a finite number of players and discrete types, but the complexity of the equations is not allowing me to find the BNEs by hand. I read a paper describing ...
Ishan Kashyap Hazarika's user avatar
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Yang's Impact on Algorithmic Trading?

Presidential candidate Andrew Yang has published the following policy proposals on his website: 1. FINANCIAL TRANSACTION TAX Financial markets have grown dramatically over the past decades. ...
user23846's user avatar
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Building a time-series demand forecasting model

I am forecasting demand for certain types of goods and services, which I expect to be correlated to a sub-set of a basket of macroeconomic indicators (considering 15-20 indicators) I do not know ...
Apple_786's user avatar
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Is there a systematic approach to find equilibria in sequential games?

I know that one can use backward induction to find one particular subgame perfect NE. And I know that wherever possible one can represent the game in normalform and then find all NE. But is there a ...
FloodLuszt's user avatar
3 votes
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Does the VCG algorithm work for any bundle valuation function?

Assume we have $n$ buyers of $|M|=m$ items in a combinatorial auction. So as we know, we can use the Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) algorithm to allocate bundles of items to buyers as best as possible. ...
RBS's user avatar
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Online stock portfolio selection algorithms applicable to forex markets?

Are stock portfolio selection algorithms, like the universal portfolio algorithm, applicable to forex markets, treating each currency like a stock?
Elliot Gorokhovsky's user avatar
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How to dynamically update/calculate the price if we have the following values?

Need to update/calculate the price, the given values are: Reserve (Stock) (higher the price can be lower) Cost (the higher, the price can be higher) Sales Speed (the higher, the price can be higher) ...
Bahramdun Adil's user avatar
7 votes
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Code finding all stable matchings in one-to-one problem

Do you know of any publicly available code in python or R (or any other free high level language) that returns all the stable matchings for any one-to-one matching problem? Note: This is related but ...
Martin Van der Linden's user avatar
4 votes
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Computing Boston and TTC in Python

This is somewhat of a follow up question to Available code for computing solutions to matching algorithms?. In the above question, I got great answers, but all of them were for ...
Martin Van der Linden's user avatar
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Is there an algorithm to find as many NE as possible in this generalized second price auction?

Suppose three advertisers, I, II, III are participating in an auction for three positions for online advertising, top, middle and bottom. Assume that click per second for a position is not affected ...
Metta World Peace's user avatar
14 votes
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Available code for computing solutions to matching algorithms?

The question of designing matching procedure (between high-schools and students, med intern and hospitals, kidney donors and receivers,...) has been widely studied by economists and vastly contributed ...
Martin Van der Linden's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

trading security volume that affects price

Curious if there's a formula for this. There are some notorious cases of software (accidentally) and people (purposefully) quickly unloading a given security, causing the price to (temporarily, ...
Eric's user avatar
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Simulations Using Binomial Coefficients

In closed loop toy models with a fixed money supply, what are the downsides of calculating probable outcomes with a binomial coefficient? For example, given a toy economy where trades yield a profit ...
Jason Nichols's user avatar