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Deriving the constant relative risk aversion utility function

Here is the question I am trying to tackle: Suppose that we are given a utility function $u$ with relative risk aversion $R_u$. Show that $R_u$ is constant and equal to $\rho$ iff there exist $\zeta\...
Philip Hartfield's user avatar
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Proving that constant absolute risk aversion and relative risk aversion implies independence of initial wealth

I was able to prove that for a portfolio with one risk-free asset and one risky asset, if the Arrow-Pratt measure of absolute risk aversion is constant (i.e., constant absolute risk aversion, CARA), ...
user40333's user avatar
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Calculating the optimal portfolio for an investor with quadratic utility

The problem is from Asset Pricing and Portfolio Theory by Back and can be found here. The relevant info from section 2.5 can be found here. Given that we have the Expected value and the variance of ...
user2034's user avatar
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Portfolio choice problem of a CARA investor with n risky assets

Ok, I am working on a problem that consists of the following: I am looking to solve the portfolio choice optimization problem (maximizing utility with a known utility function) in the case where all ...
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