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Surplus in the Financial Account - BoP

As a student I am trying to understand the BoP dynamics resulting from a net inflow in the financial account (FA) of a country. Assuming a country has a Current Account (CA) deficit of -50. CASE1: if ...
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How does high external debt hurt GDP?

Really confused by this. Say debt burdens increase and country A now has to spend more of its income towards servicing its debt to country B, causing a fall in consumption. Country B now has more ...
ThomasJ's user avatar
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Can anyone explain why the Swiss balance of payments is not balanced (real data)?

While doing a little research I went to the Swiss National Bank's website and downloaded their data on the Swiss balance of payments. The data is here:!/cube/...
Studi's user avatar
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Devaluation of exchange rate meaning

Pilbeam's textbook on International Finance (p. 106) says: (...) the immediate effect of a devaluation of exchange rate from $S_1$ to $S_2$ is to make domestic good competitive (...) How can be ...
toyo10's user avatar
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Terms definition in Balance of Payment

I have problems in distinguishing among terms in the Balance of Payment / the international balance sheet of a nation. As far as I know, on Assets and Liabilities sides of BPM, there are Portfolio ...
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