Questions tagged [consumer-theory]

the study of consumer choice and its fundamental underpinnings in preferences and constraints.

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2 votes
1 answer

Reasons for why slutsky matrix may be non symmetric

In demand system estimation, theoretically we require this matrix to be symmetric. This unfortunately is not the case most of the time. What are some reasons for why symmetry of the slutsky matrix may ...
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Convexity preferences

What is the difference between convexity and strict convexity preferences? What is the difference between quasi-concavity and quasi-convexity? And is MRS still true in concave preferences?
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Utility Maximization of a quasi-linear utility function

I am dealing with a quasi-linear utility function. For example $U=(x_1x_2)^{0.5}+cx_3$ with constrain $w\ge x_1+2x_2+px_3$.By taking c, w and p as constant, I function that by using Lagrange ...
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1 answer

Competitive Equilibrium how to determine subject to functions

Consider a 1-commodity, 2-consumers, 2-periods economy with S = 2, J = 1. The asset pays one unit (of the commodity) in state 1 and 2 units in state 2. q denotes the price of the asset at time 0. The ...
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3 answers

Opportunity Cost effect on benefits

My question is the following: Let's say a person has two career choices. He would be succesful in both, but in one of them he is slightly better and thus he will do better. So let's say career A will ...
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Calculate influence of absolute risk aversion on consumption decisions

Say I have the following setup: A consumer chooses between two goods $x$ and $y$ (a numeraire) such that she maximises: $$V(x,y)=u(x)+y$$ Under the constraint that her revenue $R$ is such that: $$R\...
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1 answer

Logarithmic Utility function Algebra

Question: I'm told the following (by an exam mark scheme): Using $a + b =1$ $a[ln(\frac{am}{p_1})] + b[ln(\frac{bm}{p_2})] = ln(m) - aln(p_1) - bln(p_2)$ I can't get this to hold without the ...
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1 answer

Does an "optimal" MRS exist?

I was reading a case study in Hal Varian, where the author talks about essentially a surge pricing mechanism for incentivizing households to consume less electricity during peak hours (so as to not ...
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1 answer

Preference relations based on Varian

I understand that there is no universally agreed terminology for preference relations. However I need to pin down a definitive way to think about them (both for my exam, and my own sanity). Please can ...
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1 answer

Conflicting Definitions of Weak Monotnocity (preferences)

Strong Montonicity my sources seem to agree on Strong monotonicity, i state equivalent definitions below. But weak montonicity i keep finding what appear to be conflicting definitions. In the ...
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2 answers

Should free market consumers have the maximum information easily available?

As far as I know, free markets rely on well-informed consumers. If this is the case, shouldn't an efficient free market provide consumers as much information as possible about a product so that the ...
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1 answer

Existence and uniqueness of demand, and symmetry implies equal demands given equal prices

Encountered the following problem during self study: My take on the problem is that if we can show that the equation of the income expansion path is $x_1=x_2$ for all such $U(x_1,x_2)$ then we have ...
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1 answer

Homothetic Functions and Monotonic Transformations

Using the following definition of a homotheic function (taken from my Mathematical Economics course pack). A function $f: \mathbb{R^{n+}} \to \mathbb{R}$ is homothetic if it has the form: $f(x,y) = q(...
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1 answer

Homotheic Function Definitions

There are a number of different definitions of Homothetic functions i have come across. I have used each of them to prove that a function $f(x, y) = x^a y^b$ with $a+b > 0$ is homothetic. But i ...
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0 answers

Slutsy Equation and Income effect

Does the Slutsky equation always assume optimal levels of our variables, hence Marshellian demand = Hiscksian demand $x = h$ as indeed this is how the Slutsky is derived? I originally thought this ...
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Convex Combination of pairs of points

Is it appropriate/meaningful to write vector/points $(a,b) \le (c,d)$, where i would mean component wise each component is $\le$ Specifically is my example below with reference to concavity ...
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0 answers

What pricing strategies does Amazon use and how do they affect consumers' purchasing decisions?

As a frequent Amazon customer, I have noticed that the prices of products I am interested in buying often fluctuate over time. These changes could either be an increase or decrease in price, and I ...
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0 answers

Testing for Concavity - Local Maximum & Global Maximum

My question is under which contexts Negative Definitness (ND) vs Negative Semi-Definitness (ND) is required for classifying a global maximiser. And also Global vs Local. I also want to understand what ...
4 votes
1 answer

Example of consumer preferences that switches from being concave to being convex

Question Is there an example of consumer preferences over consumption bundles $(x,y)\in \Bbb R^2$ that would be concave when $x$ is abundant relative to $y$ and convex otherwise? Are there known ...
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2 answers

Difference between 'ideal variety' and 'love of variety' - International trade

What really is the difference between the "ideal variety" (Lancaster) of a differentiated product approach and the "love of variety" (Dixit and Stiglitz) approach?
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0 answers

CES in Slutsky matrix (weird results)

We have a Slutsky matrix: \begin{bmatrix} \partial x_{1}^H/\partial P_1 & \partial x_{1}^H/\partial P_2 & \dots & \partial x_{1}^H/\partial P_n \\ \partial x_{2}^H/\partial P_1 &...
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3 answers

The formula for expansion path

Is there a way how to precisely compute the expansion path? I know a consumer's utility function $U(\boldsymbol{x})$, I know the budget constraint $\sum P_i x_i \leq M$, I am able to compute the ...
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1 answer

What is the difference between Impression Management and Signaling Theory?

I'm interested in theories on how organisations shape their stakeholders' (especially consumers' and investors') perceptions and decisions. I read about Impression Management and Signaling Theory. ...
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1 answer

Prove strict monotonicity of utility function

I have the following utility function: $$ u(x_1, x_2, x_3) = med(x_1, x_2, x_3) $$ Given that $UMG_{i}$ ≥ 0, the utility function represents a strictly monotonic preference. Does this assertion make ...
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1 answer

Proving that strict convexity is violated

I am given a utility function $u(x)=x_1^2+x_2^2$ and I am asked to see whether this function satisfies strict convexity. The answer is saying this: We see that $u(3,0) = 9$, $u(0,3) = 9$, $u(1.5,1.5) =...
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0 answers

Does local non-satiation hold for this problem?

I am getting some confusing results solving this problem: $max_{c_0\geq0, c_1\geq0} \bigg\{EU = R(1-c_0) [p t_1 + (1-p) c_1^{-2} t_2] \bigg\} ~ s.t. ~c_0+c_1 \leq 1$ where $p$ is the probability of $...
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3 answers

FOC greater than 0

I couldn't get my head around this part. Basically, I have to prove that a consumer has to hold a positive amount of assets, i.e. $x > 0$. A hint suggested to find take the FOC, and then set $x = 0$...
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1 answer

Composite good and preferences

Usually in economics, we could see some versions of multiplicative utility: $$U(\boldsymbol{x}) = x*y$$ The thing is that most of the time an additional statement is given that $y$ is some composite ...
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How to create a composite good?

Let's say I would like to create some composite score for multiple of goods... EDIT: More concise version based on @BrsG comments... I would come up with the following scenario. I have a consumer with ...
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Do Aggregated consumers make sense?

Aggregated consumers as a biased concept (in case of cross-price elasticity)? I try to approach aggregated consumption data as if it was a new consumer (similarly to approaching average data as if it ...
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1 answer

Solving Lagrangian FOCs: a few difficulties

I have an optimization problem from microeconomics that yields me the following first-order conditions based on a Lagrangian: $ p_1 = \lambda \qquad(1)$ $ p_2 - \lambda (x_2^2+x_3^2)^{-1/3}x_2=0 \...
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1 answer

Why do we not stick to utilities in calculating supply and demand?

Common microeconomics models give that MC must equal MR in the optimal position for the consumer, therefore, the marginal utility must equal its price. But this is where a mistake has been made, what ...
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4 answers

Expenditure min problem

The typical expenditure min. problem wants to minimize expenditure under the constraint $u(x) \ge u^{\ast}$. Why the solution of this problem is such that $u(x^{\ast})=u^{\ast}$ and not $u(x^{\ast})&...
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0 answers

Expected utility maximization question

If the utility function of an individual is $u(w) = 10 \sqrt{w}$ and the individual starts with $w = 100$ (where $w$ denotes the wealth available to him). If he buys a lottery that costs him $51$ and ...
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2 answers

Why do we need Complementary Slackness Condition for Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions

Complementary slackness condition (CSC) state that $\lambda_j[g_j(x) − c_j] = 0 \hspace{5pt} \text{for} \hspace{5pt} j = 1, ..., m.$ Therefore, every constraint either needs to be an equality ...
5 votes
1 answer

Nonlinear budget constraints (for quantity discounts)

I was thinking about quantity discounts and if there is a possibility to model them not as bundles (as is typical for second price discrimination) but rather as prices being some continous functions ...
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1 answer

Finding consumed quantity using marginal utilities

I was asked the following problem : for an individual, the ratio between the marginal utility of orange juice and marginal utility of apple juice is constant and equal to $0.5$. The two goods cost 3\$ ...
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0 answers

Does consumer demand in the secondhand market actually affect the firsthand market for high-cost goods

In the 21st Century, there is an increasing consumer awareness of the externalities of manufacturing and along with it a stronger consumer preference to buying used goods rather than new. My question ...
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0 answers

Concave preferences have negative SE [Proof]

Question from Intermediate Microeconomics by Hal Varian: Suppose that preferences are concave. Is it still the case that the substitution effect is negative? This is my point: If preferences are ...
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1 answer

what is monotonicity and strict monotonicity in preferences?

I am really confused between monotonic preferences and strictly monotonic preferences, I saw some video and read certain answer where it is mentioned that the When preferences are monotone / weak ...
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0 answers

Is the Hicksian demand curve steeper or flatter than Slutsky demand?

Putting price on the vertical axis and quantity on the horizontal axis, is the Slutsky demand steeper or flatter than the Hicksian demand curve? If I calculate the Slutsky and Hicksian substitution ...
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1 answer

Are the goods in additively separable utility functions normal goods?

Inspired by this answer. To make it a bit more precise, by normal good I mean demand is (not necessarily strictly) increasing in income, and by additively separable utility function I mean that a ...
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1 answer

Looking for a term I'm pretty sure exists

Let me describe the situation: Company is selling a product; they buy it at x, sell it at some % over for profit. Taken on a monthly scale, you can see the profit of that particular object by ...
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1 answer

Why is isoelastic utility function so prevalent?

An isoelastic utility function is used in both simple and advanced models. I understand that it is fairly convenient to work with mathematically and that there are empirical estimations of its ...
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1 answer

Low fees government provided elderly nursing houses- private or public goods or quasi public?

I am really confused on how to classify low fees government nursing home services that are provided to elderly people. Is it public good or private good or quasi-public? My reasoning is that it is a ...
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1 answer

Is the preference relation represented by $u(x)=min(x_1, x_2, x_3)$ convex? True or False [closed]

Taking two bundles $x$ and $y$, $x = (x_1, x_2, x_3)$ and $y = (y_1, y_2, y_3)$, I understand I have to consider three cases to prove convexity, when $x\sim y$, $x\succ y$, $y\succ x$. I understand ...
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1 answer

Is the leontief utility function homogeneous of degree zero? And if that is true, how can that be prove? [closed]

I have not been able to find a mathematical prove is such statement.
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2 answers

$\{\text{Giffen goods} \} \subsetneq \{\text{Inferior goods}\}$

I was asking myself why is a Giffen good an inferior good and I read the following post : Difference between Giffen and inferior goods. Why aren't all inferior goods Giffen goods?. The 2nd comment ...
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2 answers

More direct way to derive indirect utility function from expenditure function

I have this general form for a expenditure function $e(p,u)=f(u)\cdot g(p)$ where $f(u)$ is increasing monotonic. How can I derive a functional form for an indirect utility function from this ...
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1 answer

Why is internet piracy decreasing?

As an ex-user of pirated content (before I had so much discretionary income), I observe that overall content piracy over the internet is much less prevalent nowadays than only a few years ago. For ...

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