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Why might it make sense to buy bonds in a company facing restructuring?

In this video, Sal Khan states, "If you really thought that Lehman Brothers in the long term was going to come back, what you might want to do is somehow try to become one of its bondholders, and ...
user29964's user avatar
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How should I evaluate my startup?(specific question)

If I have a startup that produces a product that I estimate to sell 100/per month, with 50%profit, and $200 is the customer price of each product, How can I evaluate this business to find investors?
user3486308's user avatar
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2 answers

How does the Fama and French 3-factor model explain stock covariance?

Does it at all? If so, how? It is understood that size and value play a role in determining returns and there are proposed explanation those these, but what about covariance?
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