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Differences between international and national creditors

When considering a nations debt, how does it affect the nation whether its debt is held by national or international creditors? If there is preference does this translate into different prices for the ...
Trajan's user avatar
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How much of Greece's public debt is created by its trade deficit?

How much of the Greece trade deficit reflects into it's public debt? Each year, Greece is importing about two times as much as it's exporting. In some years, even three times more. How much of that is ...
Joe Jobs's user avatar
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What does trade deficit really mean?

I watched a video about how if America imports USD 1m worth of goods but only exports USD 600k worth of goods, there is a USD 400k debt to other countries if the other country allows this deficit. US ...
QuestionMan's user avatar
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Do German Goverment bonds usually include (or included) a condition that the debt will not be serviced in case of trade imbalance?

Today the Spiegel ran an article on a proposal to end the Euro Debt Crisis. That article made the claim given in the title Syriza will eine sogenannte Wachstumsklausel für jene Schulden einführen, ...
user45891's user avatar
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Are there any states that don't have debt?

I've not been able to find any states that don't have debt to other states. This, to me at least, seems really strange. Are there any nation states that are not in debt to other states, if so which ...
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