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Questions tagged [international-economics]

Use for questions related to international trade, commercial policy, open economy macroeconomics, international finance, and exchange rates. It can also be used in financial and monetary policies, economic development, migration and factor movements, as long as they are specifically related to an international context. Preferably use in conjunction with other, more precise tag.

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Questions about current account plus financial account=0 and balance of payment deficit

If current account (CA) plus financial account (FA) always equal 0 under the double entry bookkeeping, then how does balance of payment deficit occur?
Arren Zhou's user avatar
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Why does an increase in the Dixit-Stiglitz price index lead to an increase in demand?

I'm studying the graduate international trade lecture notes by Treb Allen and Costas Arkolakis posted on their personal homepage. The first chapter covers the Armington model. After deriving the ...
lidoor kulow's user avatar
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Seeking Insights for MSc Dissertation on EU's CBAM Impact on India: Challenges and Opportunities for Collaboration

Hello Economics Community, I'm currently in the process of designing my MSc Economics dissertation and would greatly appreciate your insights. My focus is on the European Union's Carbon Border ...
Zubiya Moin's user avatar
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Balance of Payment vs. FX rate

How can a country with a Current Account deficit can have an exchange rate appreciating and viceversa a Current Account surplus and a currency depreciating?
FinanceStudent's user avatar
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Import proportionality assumption in input-output tables

I'm struggling to get the meaning of the assumption underlying the construction of the input-output tables, that is, the proportionality assumption. I read: When materials offshoring is measured by ...
Maximilian's user avatar
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Economies of Scale, texbook example

I am currently studying international economics and I'm going over economies of scale, I get the concept, but there is an example in my textbook that I don't understand. Here is a screenshot for ...
KEll's user avatar
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Logic behind uncovered interest rate parity?

So I am having trouble understanding the UIP equilibrium condition. Namely, according to UIP, when the home country has a higher interest rate than the foreign country, its currency will depreciate ...
Nixy 124's user avatar
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Where can I find the cost of commodities in different markets?

Where can I find a database that tracks current and historic prices of different products and services in regions around the world? I'm very sure that some organizations track the cost of common ...
Michael Altfield's user avatar
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2 answers

Surplus in the Financial Account - BoP

As a student I am trying to understand the BoP dynamics resulting from a net inflow in the financial account (FA) of a country. Assuming a country has a Current Account (CA) deficit of -50. CASE1: if ...
Finance_student's user avatar
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Could Gaza have been "one of the wealthiest states on the Mediterranean"?

According to this transcript, (I don't have access to the original interview), Robert Kennedy told Krystal Ball: The international aid agencies have given Hamas, have given Gaza more than 10 times ...
YouDontSay's user avatar
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Increasing Returns to Scale and Perfect Competition

Increasing returns to scale due to internal economies are incompatible with perfect competition BUT increasing returns to scale due to external economies are compatible with perfect competition SOURCE:...
user205152's user avatar
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What downside is there to making the USD the national currency for your country?

I get that for huge countries like China, you can't have the US controlling your currency. But for some smaller countries, or new fledgling countries, why not have the USD be your national currency? ...
chausies's user avatar
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Does it make sense to evaluate a country's debt in GDP based on PPP?

Consider a fictional country Gudzan-Tservijstan with a GDP of \$100bn USD, a total (public and private) debt of \$100bn USD, and a PPP conversion factor of 2. Are there advantages to considering the ...
mjc's user avatar
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Is there a global flow of income?

If I understand the circular flow of income correctly, we can visualize money moving around the country in exchange for goods and services. Sources of money are the central bank (MB) and the financial ...
user avatar
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Did both the U.S. and Zimbabwe economically benefit from dollarization?

Mugabe's leadership of Zimbabwe was harshly criticized by the U.S., citing human right abuses and economic mismanagement. Consequently, the U.S. congress passed the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic ...
ATL_DEV's user avatar
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What are some good alternative textbooks in international trades for undergraduates other than 'Taylor & Feenstra' and 'Krugman, Obstfeld & Melitz'?

I've been referring to the textbooks International Economics by Alan M. Taylor and Robert C. Feenstra and International Trade: Theory and Policy by Marc Melitz, Maurice Obstfeld, and Paul Krugman ...
Hopeless Economist's user avatar
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What is the logic behind Krugman's argumentation about dumping?

I don't quite understand what he is trying to say. As I see it, a lower marginal cost should lead to an increase in export prices, not the opposite.
Jose-Espinar's user avatar
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Why are subscriptions to the World Bank's IBRD measured in 1944 US dollars? How is this calculated?

Several official documents published by the World Bank's 'International Bank For Reconstruction and Development' (IBRD), such as
M. Y. Zuo's user avatar
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Euler Equation - small open economy

How would I find the Euler equation for: $$ U=\sqrt{C_1}+\beta{\sqrt{C_2}} $$, where $$\beta=1/(1+r)$$
f.Greening's user avatar
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Why does not Uncovered Interest Parity hold exactly? Or does it?

I am using the UIP condition before taking an approximation and, therefore, expecting UIP to hold exactly. I want to understand why UIP calculated for a pair of currencies a) does not hold exactly (...
TeX_novice's user avatar
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International Spillovers of environmental policies

I'm trying to put together a literature review of papers tackling the international spillovers of environmental policies, particularly theoretical contributions. I haven't been able to find much. Any ...
user37250's user avatar
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Questions regarding Solving Melitz (2003) model

I am editing my question regarding solving the model in order to be more specific. Regarding the demand side, In the beginning of the model, we have a CES utility function over a continuum of goods ...
zmhs's user avatar
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What actually is comparative advantage?

Is comparative advantage determined by simple productivity? In other words, a production function that takes in... some kind of input, uses labor, and capital, and produces an output? In this case, is ...
john's user avatar
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Covered interest rate parity: the forward contract is not risk free

Covered interest rate parity (CIRP or CIP) can be formulated as: $$ (1+r_{f,Home})=\frac{S_0}{F_{0\rightarrow 1}} (1+r_{f,Foreign}) $$ where $r_f$ are risk-free rates in the home and foreign countries,...
Richard Hardy's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Can someone explain why sterling-dollar parity is bad?

Please forgive the probable naivety of this question. I am not an economics student I am just trying to understand the currency fluctuations that are currently occurring with GBP as a result of our ...
thomasbishop's user avatar
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How does high external debt hurt GDP?

Really confused by this. Say debt burdens increase and country A now has to spend more of its income towards servicing its debt to country B, causing a fall in consumption. Country B now has more ...
ThomasJ's user avatar
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Why does the government spending increase by the "same" amount as the demand?

I know that governments can increase demand by increasing employment, transfer payments, and capital for the private sector. Why does government spending increase by the ""same"" ...
student's user avatar
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Why doesn't the consumption function include savings?

Why doesn't the consumption function C=C(Y-T) include transfer payments? If we assume that C=MPC(Y-T), and that the MPC assumes that one part of the increase of income goes to savings. But what about ...
student's user avatar
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Why is the 'marginal productivity of a factor' of any relevance in the Cobb-Douglas production function?

I don't understand its importance in this production function. I know that the productivity parameter is A in the function: $F(K,L) = AK^α L^{(1-α)} $ So what could it be? Thank you!
student's user avatar
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In the Cobb-Douglas production function, why do K and L have these effects?

Why does an increase in K lead to an increase of MPL, and to a decrease of MPK? Likewise, why does an increase in L lead to a decrease of MPL, and to an increase of MPK? Thank you.
student's user avatar
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Why is it Y=F(K,L), and not Y=F(K,L, Economic profit)?

Initially, we have the distribution of income: Y = MPLxL + MPLxK. But, when the economic profit = 0, we have constant returns to scale. And since, input=output, if I am not mistaken, there is just ...
student's user avatar
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Why is inflation higher in emerging economies?

Inflation rates are higher in emerging economies than in developed economies. (source) Why is that so ? Most explanations I have found refer to some kind of catching up, but it does not immediately ...
Anthony Martin's user avatar
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How to have the yearly index when having monthly index?

From (Benigno, 2022) I have an index called Global Supply Chain Pressure Index (GSCPI) provided at the end of the post. The index was shared at monthly frequency. A part of the data provided is as ...
Phil Nguyen's user avatar
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Perception of value between different currencies

So let's say I am going to sell a game and I'm trying to come up with a fair price. The thing is, I am from Brazil and I'm selling in an online platform where most products are priced in dollars. The ...
Gustavo HK's user avatar
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Why Developing countries, especially exporters are most vulnerable to strong US Dollar?

Developing countries, especially exporters such as Argentina and Turkey, are among the most vulnerable, says Harvard economics professor Jeffrey Frankel. Excerpt from:
q126y's user avatar
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How to convert national poverty into an international comparable measure?

I want to compare the poverty of a subpopulation of my country (indigenous people) to other countries' poverty. To do that, I have the per capita income of each individual of my dataset expressed in ...
Santiago Valdivieso's user avatar
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Foreign Currency Reserves: Profit / Loss from Foreign Currency Depreciation / Appreciation?

From Wikipedia article on foreign exchange reserves: The central bank may, however, profit from a depreciation of the foreign currency or incur a loss on its appreciation. Why does the depreciation ...
Per48edjes's user avatar
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Does culture effect micro economics?

In different parts of the world, we have different attitudes to money , spending and value different things importantly. Does this mean that we require different micro Economic theories which are ...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
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Inflation or CPI times CURRENCY/DOLLAR rate?

Is there a database which follows the inflation or cpi MULTIPLIED by the forex rate. In order to calculate the change in cost of living around the world relative to ONE, NORMALISED base currency, ...
gdcpb's user avatar
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How do economic sanctions work? How do they not create an arbitrage opportunity?

(Not sure if this should be on Politics.SE) This is something I've been thinking about since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Many countries enacted sanctions on Russia in response. Let's say one of ...
Allure's user avatar
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Why does a stronger US dollar translate to potentially lower sales and earning for Microsoft?

A recent headline stated: "Microsoft Corp. cut sales and earnings guidance for the fourth quarter, citing unfavorable foreign exchange rates as the stronger U.S. dollar takes a toll." ...
End Antisemitic Hate's user avatar
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Are Estonia, Iceland, Hungary and Greece in a similar economical level?

I was wondering whether the Estonian or the Icelandic economies, despite being small, are relatively close to the Hungarian and the Greek economies, or whether they are much smaller Therefore, are ...
vengaq's user avatar
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Why does Russian ruble conversion rate to USD remains constant at 1 to 0.01?

I've been noticing that since Russian ruble started losing its value compared to other foreign currency, at some point it became at constant exchange rate of 1 RUB to 0.01 USD. That is, every day no ...
Pizza's user avatar
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Most innovative business model for companies today

I am not sure if this is the right place to ask questions on this topic, but My class on International business has been asked to present a business plan that will work in the international market, ...
Vedanta Mohapatra's user avatar
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Is Bank for International Settlements still providing financial services to Afghanistan?

After the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in August 2021, most of the major central banks such as the Fed, Bank of England, and Bundesbank froze FX reserves of the Afghan central bank (DAB). As of ...
Yoda's user avatar
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Is foreign aid loans?

I see that America is giving tons of foreign aids. Is that loans?? Or just money without expecting any returns?? Help me understand the loans given to other countries and aids.Also during military ...
Socraticlad's user avatar
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Which industries are widely agreed upon to require central regulation on a national basis, regardless of economic or political system?

For example, the most straightforward cases of widely accepted centrally controlled regulation on a national basis would be the nuclear power generation and nuclear fuel supply industries. Where every ...
M. Y. Zuo's user avatar
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Why does interest rate differential affect capital flow in equities?

With the recent news of US fed hikes, there are emerging markets where central banks have decided not to raise rates, like in India, Indonesia, China, etc. The common theme I read everywhere is this - ...
qwerty_uiop's user avatar
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Homothetic preferences for international trade

In international trade class, we assume homothetic preferences for every country, and each country has an endowment. Why do we assume homothetic preferences? Is this because we see (from data) that ...
Giskard's user avatar
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Asking for the explanation of the result of DDD?

I am following Stata package to run the did_imputation of Borusyak,2021 in using the DiD imputation estimator The normal DiD estimator in their regression is did_imputation Y i t Ei [if] [in] [...
Phil Nguyen's user avatar
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