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Increasing Returns to Scale and Perfect Competition

Increasing returns to scale due to internal economies are incompatible with perfect competition BUT increasing returns to scale due to external economies are compatible with perfect competition SOURCE:...
user205152's user avatar
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Can anyone explain why the Swiss balance of payments is not balanced (real data)?

While doing a little research I went to the Swiss National Bank's website and downloaded their data on the Swiss balance of payments. The data is here:!/cube/...
Studi's user avatar
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What does it mean if a country's exchange rate is said to be “overvalued”?

For instance, China's or Switzerland's currencies are often said to be overvalued.
StatsScared's user avatar
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Which one of these intepretations of belonging of a factor of production is correct in context of calculating "income of our citizens abroad"?

NFFI can be calculated as income of foreigners here MINUS income of our citizens/corporations abroad. As far as I understand, it's assumed that our citizens earn income by using OUR factors of ...
KarmaPeasant's user avatar
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Bretton Woods vs Gold Standard

I've been reading about the history of the IMF recently, and it strikes me as odd that despite the problems that arose with the gold standard (Germany in the 1920s, Fed cutting money supply during the ...
Student's user avatar
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Terms definition in Balance of Payment

I have problems in distinguishing among terms in the Balance of Payment / the international balance sheet of a nation. As far as I know, on Assets and Liabilities sides of BPM, there are Portfolio ...
user68863's user avatar
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Net Positions vs Gross Positions as they Relate to the Current Account

What is the difference between say, gross asset and liability positions and net asset and liability positions? I mean these terms in the particular way that Cavallo and Tille use them in their 2006 ...
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