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Determine the value of this hypothetical token

Suppose there is a token, an issuer of the token, and a reclaimer of the token. Every year at the beginning of the year the issuer creates and sells at auction 10 tokens. At the end of each year the ...
Jonah's user avatar
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Quantifying stability and source of value

Suppose economies A, B and C have equal GDP. However: 90% of A is goods of strictly investment value (artwork, NFTs) 90% of B is tools for producing other goods (resources, machinery) 90% of C is ...
Therac's user avatar
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Why in Italy and Spain, as productivity grows, wages don't grow too?

As you can see in this report: between labor productivity and the average wage there is a correlation of 76% (Pearson index), while with the ...
gianni404's user avatar
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Looking for a guide to data at daily frequency or higher

I found that one of the most valuable parts of an economics education was learning about the available data and major surveys. The NIPAs and the Integrated Nstional Accounts (which I believe will ...
andrewH's user avatar
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Proof of the Lucas' Cost of Business Cycles

I am trying to derive the parameter used by Lucas to measure the cost of business cycles, namely: derived in the paper "Macroeconomic Priorities". I already searched in several papers but I ...
Diogo Ferreira's user avatar
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The correct classification of system costs: maintenance, excess consumption, necessary consumption, development?

Yesterday I saw in one of the videos on YouTube a classification of the expenses of the system consisting of: maintaining the system necessary consumption excess consumption development Please tell ...
Mr. LOLO's user avatar
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Why do I keep hearing that Americans are running down their pandemic savings but the data doesn't show that?

I keep hearing on the news etc. that Americans are running down their savings, even from well known figures like the head of Blackrock etc. Granted I have not been looking at economists specifically. ...
Adam Thompson's user avatar
3 votes
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Solving stochastic difference equation in New Keynesian model (FTPL textbook derivation)

In Cochrane's "Fiscal Theory of the Price Level", I am struggling with the following derivation. Take the first line as given, where $\pi_t$ and $i_t$ are random processes adapted to $\...
Econ's user avatar
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DSGE: Difference between Goods Market Clearing Condition and Resources Constraint

I’m currently reading about DSGE models and I’m little bit confused about the difference between the resources constraint and the goods market clearing condition. Are they the same? If not, how is ...
Goldman Clarck's user avatar
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Datasets with high frequency measures of monetary policy shocks for the US

I am looking for sources (datasets) with high frequency measures of monetary policy shocks for the US. For the Euro area I have found this, MPD DATASET. I haven't found anything similar for the US. I ...
Giorgetto's user avatar
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Euler Equation - small open economy

How would I find the Euler equation for: $$ U=\sqrt{C_1}+\beta{\sqrt{C_2}} $$, where $$\beta=1/(1+r)$$
f.Greening's user avatar
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Log-linearisation of the Euler equation

I am struggling to log-linearize the following around the steady state: $ U'\left(e^{z_t} F(k_t, 1) + (1 - \delta)k_t - k_{t+1}\right) - \beta E_{z_t}U'\left(e^{z_{t+1}} F(k_{t+1}, 1) + (1 - \delta)k_{...
cluelessMacro's user avatar
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How does tax level of country effect the international value of a currency?

I'm trying to figure out if a currency gets valued or devalued internatopnally if there is more taxation. Looking at places like Dubai, id think itd get valued more on the basis that people would be ...
Brian's user avatar
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Ricardo Reis and S&D decompositions of inflation

In this presentation at around 21:20, Ricardo Reis discusses a two-sector New Keynesian model to explain that the supply and demand decompositions of inflation by Adam Shapiro as not as informative as ...
Wittgenstein's Poker's user avatar
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Why limit the maximum size of deposit-CBDC transfers?

From page 33 of Dirk Niepelt's Money and Banking with Reserves and CBDC (October 2022): Some central banks consider caps on CBDC balances to limit the maximum size of deposit-CBDC transfers ("...
studentp's user avatar
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Economics book which study video game economies

I saw this very interesting Ted Talk which discusses the Economics of a popular game called Tf2. This piqued my curiosity, but I couldn't find much more of this content on youtube. Searching for the ...
Brian's user avatar
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Is John Maynard Keynes an economic liberal or an economic nationalist?

I am working on a research project about political economy. However, I stumbled upon differences in the interpretation of the orientation of John Maynard Keynes. Some sources indicate that Keynes is a ...
Nikolay Bogdanov's user avatar
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is labor a scarce resource?

We all know about the four factors of production: land (natural resources), labor (physical human effort), capital goods, and tech. And, most of us are aware of the fundamental definition of scarcity: ...
Vinay Sharma's user avatar
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BOP balancing to 0, use of capital and financial account

Please someone for the love of god help me. I can't find two sources on the internet that don't have conflicting or very difficult to understand information on the balance of payments. I have various ...
Daniel Rübenacker's user avatar
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Infrastructure a capital good?

A capital good is produced to produce other goods or to provide services, which means it doesn't get consumed entirely in the production process. Then, in what sense roads, buildings, bridges, statues,...
Vinay Sharma's user avatar
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Where's the current research at the intersection of labor market and macroeconomics?

I am into monetary economics and DSGE modeling, so I'm not very up-to-date when it comes to research on labor markets. Can anyone give me an overview of the current research trends on labor markets (...
erised's user avatar
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Subjective discounting factor in the utility function

Consider the following utility function in an infinite time-horizon set up: \begin{equation} U= \int_{0}^{\infty} e^{-(\rho-n)t}u(c(t)) dt \end{equation} Why we assume that $\rho >n$, where $\rho $ ...
Dimitru's user avatar
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Why is the reward for providing capital goods interest?

In high school economics, students are taught that there are four factors of production: land, labour, capital and enterprise, and that the rewards for each are respectively: rent, wages, capital and ...
Gary Liang's user avatar
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What are the purely financial implications of exempting taxes for the public spending?

I've had this question for quite a long time by now ; wouldn't it be far more efficient in terms of administrative costs and beuraucratic efficiency to exempt public spendings from its taxes? Of ...
MK.s's user avatar
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Aggregation in macroeconomic model with expanding product varieties

The final good is produced by a competitive industry combining a set of intermediate products, $i ∈ [0, N_t ]$ , using a CES aggregator: \begin{equation} Y= \left( \int_{0}^{N_t} y(i)^{\frac{\sigma -1}...
John M.'s user avatar
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Large quantity sale of CNY at current currency value

Some company wants to sell large quantity of CNY and buy USD on Forex. Let current currency value is 1 CNY = 0.14 USD at the time moment on Forex. When company sell large quantity of CNY, money supply ...
Mike_bb's user avatar
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How an annual rate of 1.1 percent in the first quarter of 2023 is calculated on the website of

The table 1 says Real gross domestic product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 1.1 percent in the first quarter of 2023 (table 1), 1.1 percent is derived from Real GDP They are on the Right Hand ...
Stats Cruncher's user avatar
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Utility maximization for a household consisting of a woman and a man, with gender discrimination

Consider a household consisting of a woman and a man, with preferences over leisure and consumption given by: $U(\overrightarrow{c},\overrightarrow{l}) = \ln{c} + \ln{l^F} + \ln{l^M}$ where $\...
Nicolas Torres's user avatar
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Three types of Neutral technological Change

Can you tell me why the isoquants changes as per pic below in the three cases of neutral technological change: i) Hicks neutral, ii) Solow neutral, iii) Harrod neutral
John M.'s user avatar
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Definite Integral technique for Differential Equation

Update. I'm reordering this post to make the core question more clear. Given the following problem: Infection model: The number of people $N(t)$ affected by a pandemic at time $t$ is modelled by the ...
CormJack's user avatar
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How is QoQ and YoY inflation calculated from data in the table below

I am confused about reference point for both QoQ and YoY. Is for Q1 is it (Q1 - 0)/0 * 100?
Aka Lama's user avatar
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Open Economy IS-LM with Perfect Capital Immobility

As a part of self-study for entrance exams I was trying to solve the following problem: The problem with this question is that I feel like the equation for $TB$ is incorrect, because we are given ...
mynameparv's user avatar
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Solow Model - speed of convergence

This is a question also for those with a good expertise in micro. For micro guys who wanna go streight to the question, just jump to equation $(1)$ I'm studying the Solow growth model. Let's write the ...
John M.'s user avatar
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Inflation adjustment: CPI less than one

I need help on how to adjust my figures by inflation. I have two pieces of data. The first one is a company's nominal expenditures during the 2015-2020 period: ...
YouLocalRUser's user avatar
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Balanced growth path definition in the Hicks neutral steady state with technology

In the Hicks neutral Solow Model with technology where $Y_t = A_t F(K_t,L_t)$, and labour and technology growths are held constant (exogenously), how is the balanced growth path defined? I read that ...
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What would happen if we always built new homes to keep the house prices stable?

What would happen if the government passed a law to always keep on building new houses so the housing market never appreciated? What would be the economic impacts of this? Currently housing is in ...
Chirag Arora's user avatar
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General Solution Differential Equation

We have the following system of ordinary differential equation. To solve this using diagonlsation we do the following. My concern is that my general solution is a subtly different result, I've checked ...
CormJack's user avatar
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Meaning of "everything else remaining the same"

Suppose in an economy, there is a representative firm, the government and a representative household who all have their individual budget constraints. The household maximizes its utility function and ...
ceterismarrybus's user avatar
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Why does increase of national debt of the USA not lead to inflation?

Increase of national debt is increase of money supply. But why does increase of national debt of the USA not lead to inflation? Thanks.
Mike_bb's user avatar
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How to prove that an increase in the money supply leads to devaluation of the currency?

In one article I've read that increase in the money supply leads to inflation and exchange rate change. For example, if we have double increase in the money supply then we'll have double change in ...
Mike_bb's user avatar
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In a New Keynesian model, why do firms not take the interest rate into account when discounting their future profits?

I understand that firms usually discount future prices using the discount factor $M_t = \beta^t u'(c_t)$. Both the presence of $\beta$ and $u'(c_t)$ make sense to me as they reflect the (im)patience ...
Jonas Rasmussen's user avatar
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What's wrong with a deflationary economy?

It is my understanding that central banks around the world strive to achieve a stable inflation rate of around 2%. It is claimed that this is because steady low inflation helps contribute to the ...
Adham's user avatar
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Modelling the inefficiency of redistribution in case of proportional taxation and lump-sum subsidy

I would like to model the following situation in the simplest possible way. First, a government imposes a proportional tax on the whole population, say, x% of income for each household. But then, it ...
Alekz112's user avatar
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Research in Applications of Machine Learning Techniques to Economics

I am a new graduate student in economics, and my advisor has recently focused on applying machine learning techniques to economics. It seems natural for me to take up this area, but I heard the rumors ...
zyy's user avatar
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What is the household i’s intertemporal budget constraint (utility depends on household consumption and neighbourhood's average consumption)?

Assume that household i derives utility from consumption, but now lifetime utility is given by the following expression: $$ U_i = \sum_{t=0}^{\infty} e^{ -\rho t}\frac{1}{1-\theta} \left(\frac{C_{i,t}}...
Delia's user avatar
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How to derive the a = rB identity from the CES production function?

I am wondering how using this particular production function $$ Y = F(K,L) = \left(\alpha K^{\frac{\sigma -1}{\sigma}} + (1 - \alpha)L^{\frac{\sigma -1}{\sigma}}\right)^{\frac{\sigma}{\sigma -1}}$$ ...
Notthedarkweb's user avatar
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Solow long run growth model question

I've been stuck on an exam question regarding long run growth Consider the following model of economic growth A) Derive the equilibrium growth rate of capital, and hence find the steady-state values ...
sffffii's user avatar
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Why does not Uncovered Interest Parity hold exactly? Or does it?

I am using the UIP condition before taking an approximation and, therefore, expecting UIP to hold exactly. I want to understand why UIP calculated for a pair of currencies a) does not hold exactly (...
TeX_novice's user avatar
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Textbook Recommendation for IS-LM AS-AD Models

I am currently taking an intro to macroeconomics class, and I am looking for undergraduate level study material to understand the IS-LM model and its interactions with the AS-AD model. Can you give me ...
trytryandtry's user avatar
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Why do sticky prices make output partly determined by demand?

First time going through the basic new-keynesian model and i understand the math behind it okay. I also get that output being partly demand determined is the transmission mechanism for monetary policy ...
user43884's user avatar

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