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Data Set for Mankiw, Romer, and Weil 1992

I am trying to replicate the results of Mankiw, Romer and Weil 1992, and cannot seem to find the original data.
Joshua Berens's user avatar
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Wages in Solow growth model with savings = 0

I am trying to understand the change of wage rate and rental rate in the Solow growth model with s = 0. It is clear that capital per capita will approach 0 (due to depreciation of capital). Also is ...
Vizag's user avatar
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Here's a question about the solow model [closed]

At first, I was confused by how y keeps increasing after depreciation exceeds savings, then I finally found what was truly bothering me. The fact that when depreciation exceeds savings, capital per ...
Max Liu's user avatar
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The growth rate in the Solow model

Consider a very simple version of the Solow model with discrete time, a fixed population size and no technological progress (a fuller description of the assumptions is outlined here). Capital is at '...
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How to Calculate the productivity multiplier?

Given a Cobb Douglas $Y_t = A (K_t^\alpha L_t^{1-\alpha}) $ $ K_{t+1} = sY_t + (1-\delta) K_t$ How do we get the multiplier on productivity to be equal to $ \frac{1}{1-\alpha}$? I understand ...
Fatima's user avatar
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Solow Model - criticism of Harrod model

I have started out reading seminal paper of Solow - Solow Growth model. It starts out with discussing weaknesses in Harrod Domar Model, a simple model of economic growth which featured prior to solow'...
Elina Gilbert's user avatar
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Solow model golden rule with my exact answer

In a perfectly competitive Solow economy with physical capital accumulation, population growth and a Cobb-Douglas production function, show that the “golden rule” steady-state would be reached if at ...
Enjoyecon's user avatar
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Improve my solution: Question on solow model

There is a question about Solow growth and Ramsey model, compared to solow model, the Ramsey model is better to explain growth patterns across countries because it predicts a slower convergence ...
Enjoyecon's user avatar
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Sustainable growth in the long run [closed]

Suppose that, in addition to physical capital and labour, an economy requires a fixed factor and a non-renewable resource to produce the final good. Prove that an economy with these input requirements ...
mnm123's user avatar
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How is the Solow residual measured?

In the Solow model, we have the Solow residual often referred to as the level of technology A. More particularly : \begin{equation} Y(t) = [K(t)]^{\alpha} [A(t)L(t)]^{1-\alpha} \end{equation} Here ...
Nathan Furnal's user avatar
5 votes
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Macroeconomic Measures of Human Capital

How exactly do you measure human capital for a given country and what numbers are included in that measure. The reason why I ask is because im interested in simulating the Mankiw–Romer–Weil version ...
EconJohn's user avatar
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Solow growth model - analytic proof that Inada conditions imply steady state capital is increasing in the savings rate

Let's take the example of a generic Harrod-neutral (labor-augmenting) production function $f(k)$; all letters denote the growth rates they usually would. In the regular Solow growth model with the ...
spacetime's user avatar
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Effect of population growth on Solow steady state

My textbook says that: Ratio of capital per capita to income per capita in the steady state is a positive function of s and an inverse function of η and δ. Thus, k*/y* is a constant. This means ...
Sandra's user avatar
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What happens to aggregate C, K, and Y when TFP increases permanently?

I was wondering what would happen to aggregate capital, consumption and output (i.e. K, C, Y) in the Solow model with constant population growth (i.e. n > 0) and no technological growth (i.e. a = 0) ...
David Kim's user avatar
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Basic Solow Growth Model: Stability Proof

I am reading through McCandless "The ABCs of RBCs" this summer to get a preview of what I need to know for the coming Fall semester. It did not take long to find a statement that I can easily accept ...
economicist's user avatar
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How to estimate a constant elasticity of substitution for a country in a solow model including human capital and scarce resources

For my thesis I was looking for some help due to the facts of my little knowledge of econometrics. I appreciate any help whether its directly dealing with my question or literature advice. Basically ...
macro123's user avatar
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Taylor Series Approximation around steady state in Solow

In my Advanced Macro script, the professor says take TSA1 of the following equation: $(1+g)(1+n)k_{t+1} = sk^\alpha_{t+1} + (1-\delta)k_t$ where $g$ is technological progress, $n$ population growth, ...
Karel's user avatar
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Taking the derivative of capital per effective unit of labor in the Solow model [closed]

I'm taking an intro macro course, and my calculus is pretty rusty. I'm going through some lectures notes right now where they derive the growth rate of capital in the Solow model like so: I'm ...
Parseltongue's user avatar
5 votes
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Steady state Solow model with exogenous technological change

Consider the following question: So, assume the standard function for production: $$Y_t = A_t K^\alpha_tL^{1-\alpha}$$ where $L$ is fixed. Then, the growth rate of output is: $$g_Y \approx g_A + ...
luchonacho's user avatar
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Solow model, time and steady state

Suppose we have a Solow model: $$ Y(t)=C(t)+I(t) $$ $$ I(t)=sY(t) $$ $$ \dot K=I(t)-δK(t) $$ With a given Cobb-Douglas: $$ Y(t)=Z(t)K^aL^{1-a} $$ $$ y(t)=Y(t)/L(t) $$ $$ k(t)=K(t)/L(t) $$ $$ y=...
inquirius's user avatar
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Growth accounting: technological progress grows at near zero rate

In a growth accounting exercise I backed out the time path of technical progress augmenting a factor. Annual growth rate of this factor saving innovation is very close to zero in the last few years. ...
london's user avatar
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Capital stock depreciation rate, how to calculate?

I am trying to work out the depreciation rate using the following information, it is an extract from a longer data set on capital stock: Just wanted to find out what the rate of depreciation is for ...
london's user avatar
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