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Why do shareholders allow CEOs and other executives to have extraordinarily high salaries compared to regular managers and non-managerial employees?

The wage gap between CEOs and employees varies from country to country. A 2021 article from CNBC discussed how CEOs in the US on average earned 351 times more than the average US employee. The ...
Jude Zambarakji's user avatar
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The correct classification of system costs: maintenance, excess consumption, necessary consumption, development?

Yesterday I saw in one of the videos on YouTube a classification of the expenses of the system consisting of: maintaining the system necessary consumption excess consumption development Please tell ...
Mr. LOLO's user avatar
3 votes
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Utility maximization for a household consisting of a woman and a man, with gender discrimination

Consider a household consisting of a woman and a man, with preferences over leisure and consumption given by: $U(\overrightarrow{c},\overrightarrow{l}) = \ln{c} + \ln{l^F} + \ln{l^M}$ where $\...
Nicolas Torres's user avatar
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the future effects of Covid 19 pandemics on GINI (income inequality)

I would like to analyze the future effect of Covid 19 pandemics on the Gini index (income inequality). Which dependent variables should I use in order to see the effect of the pandemics? For example, ...
studentp's user avatar
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Imputing # of unemployed from Labor Force Survey

I am working on state-level data, where one state has recently stopped publishing the absolute figures for the number of the unemployed. Instead, it currently only releases U and LFP rates. ...
maldini425's user avatar
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Constant Elasticity of Substitution (non-special cases)

I am trying to better understand the CES function: $$Y_{t}=C\left[\pi\left(A_{t}^{K} K_{t}\right)^{\frac{\sigma-1}{\sigma}}+(1-\pi)\left(A_{t}^{L} L_{t}\right)^{\frac{\sigma-1}{\sigma}}\right]^{\frac{...
David's user avatar
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Job search theory in discrete time

Let us assume that there is a labor who lives in discrete time universe and discounts future payoffs with the discount factor $b\in (0,1)$. And we assume that this labor is at period $t=0$ at first. ...
studentp's user avatar
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Is there no equivalent exchange? [closed]

There is no equivalent exchange. I think it doesn't exist. The so-called equivalent exchange is imaginary. In exchange, one side always makes money while the other side loses money. For example, if ...
enbin's user avatar
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Elasticity of substitution between leisure in two periods

This is a basic question, but I am new to macro models. The question is from Romer's text. Assume a household only has one member and has no initial wealth, and the household lives for two periods. ...
Vivian Miller's user avatar
4 votes
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Labour Market: simple macroeconomic modeling

I just started reviewing macroeconomic modeling for an upcoming entry exam, and I'm not sure about my answers in this application: Suppose that the economy of a country has a representative firm ...
Metrician's user avatar
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How can I model immigration and xenophobia economically using these equations?

I'm trying to put together a toy model for immigration ($I$), labor prices ($w$), and a measure of xenophobic/nationalistic sentiment ($A$). What I've come up with so far is the following: $$\frac{dI}...
E-man's user avatar
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Can the Goodwin Model of cyclical labor growth be applied in a micro context to specific industries?

I have been doing a bit of research into the Goodwin Model (1967), which generates cycles of economic activity. I understand that this is mostly used in macroeconomics. However, I am curious if this ...
pc724's user avatar
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Studying growth in US and Sweden, what variables should I watch out for in a regression? [closed]

I've be assigned a project on growth paradigms in US vs Sweden as part of my introductory course in econ. Can somebody please help me out with regression ideas?
VivianDarkbloom's user avatar
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Is America economy, Connecitcut's economy, and the global in general recovering and better than the year 2008?

Please answer all three if you can. I live in Connecticut, America, and of course global trade and economies matter as we are becoming more global from technology. December 2007 the markets ...
Bruno1993's user avatar
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Tax wedge in labour market

I'm reading a book ( Macroeconomics - Institutions, Instability and the Financial System ) and on page 62, the authors define tax wedge as the "difference between the real consumption wage and the ...
An old man in the sea.'s user avatar
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RBC model and indivisible labour

First of all, I would like to apologise for the fact that I will include a link in my question rather than a direct question, however, I have no idea how to do it in a different way. I have been ...
marco11's user avatar
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