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Imputing # of unemployed from Labor Force Survey

I am working on state-level data, where one state has recently stopped publishing the absolute figures for the number of the unemployed. Instead, it currently only releases U and LFP rates. ...
maldini425's user avatar
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Labour Market: simple macroeconomic modeling

I just started reviewing macroeconomic modeling for an upcoming entry exam, and I'm not sure about my answers in this application: Suppose that the economy of a country has a representative firm ...
Metrician's user avatar
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Difference between frictional unemployment and seasonal unemployment

Julie spent the entire summer of 2007 working for a tree planting company in Central British Columbia. At the end of July, her contract ended because of weather conditions. She spent the month of ...
Erik Yu's user avatar
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Is America economy, Connecitcut's economy, and the global in general recovering and better than the year 2008?

Please answer all three if you can. I live in Connecticut, America, and of course global trade and economies matter as we are becoming more global from technology. December 2007 the markets ...
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