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Questions tagged [markets]

A market is an institutional arrangement in which buyers and sellers exchange goods, services, or information in transactions with or without money.

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4 answers

Is market failure constant? What properly defines it?

My textbook defines market failure as when "the production or consumption of a good or service causes additional positive or negative externalities on a third party not involved in the economic ...
Airdish's user avatar
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2 answers

What are the most recent devopments with applying fractals to economics?

I was researching fractals for my senior mathematics presentation and discovered that one of the most recent pioneers in that section of the field was able to apply fractal mathematics to the field of ...
Mathematician's user avatar
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1 answer

How are stock prices determined in the following cases?

I looked at this question already. I know there is an order book with bid and ask and that the price is updated when a match occurs. But I have two questions: What happens when the bid is higher than ...
timtam's user avatar
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market equilibrium quantity $\ne$ firm profit maximising quantity?

Consider a perfectly competitive market with equilibrium price $P_{eq}$ and quantity $Q_{eq}$ and firm with profit maximising quantity $Q_f$ as illustrated below: I guess any firm in the market would ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Perfect competition allocations

Suppose the market demand is $P(Q) = \alpha - \beta(Q)$ where $Q = \sum q_1$. Variable $q_i$ denotes the output of the $i$th firm and $Q$ is the total output. The marginal cost for each firm is $c$. ...
Rick_Morty's user avatar
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What is the latest thinking on the economic calculation problem? [closed]

Eric Posner and Glen Weyl write in the epilogue of Radical Markets (2018) that they “remain confident that for at least a few generations markets – Radical Markets, that is – will remain the best ...
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