Questions tagged [microeconomics]

Microeconomics is a branch of economics that studies the market behavior of individual actors (usually firms and consumers) and the aggregation of their actions in different institutional frameworks (usually the market).

606 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Modern theory of integrability of demand?

I am aware of Hurwickz Uzawa work in integability, neatly summarized by Border I am wondering if there is any modern treatment of the ...
user157623's user avatar
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Queuing Discipline and Lipschitz Continuity

I was reading a paper by Platz and Østerdal (2014) titled "The curse of the first-in-first-out queue discipline". I was wondering about a particular section of it, particularly the part about last-in-...
Kitsune Cavalry's user avatar
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Has any progress been made on the Pacman Conjecture on Finite Time Horizons?

The Pacman conjecture states that the optimal strategy for monopolistic durable goods manufacturers is to set price high and slowly drop it (i.e. eating their way down the demand curve). Empirically ...
Jason Nichols's user avatar
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Topological intuition to continuous preference relation

For a Microeconomics Course, we are going through MWG, and in the lecture we discussed the notion of a continuous preference relation. A preference relation $\succsim$ on a set $X$ is called ...
J. Dekker's user avatar
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Which is a better intermediate micro textbook: Perloff (with calculus) or baby Varian (with calculus)?

I’m currently learning intermediate microeconomics with calculus. I know to take derivatives, partial derivatives, integrals, and multiple integrals, and I know some basic linear algebra (solving ...
Tejas Subramaniam's user avatar
6 votes
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Signalling Model (Rearranging the FOCs of UMP)

I'm currently reading "SAVING RATES AND POVERTY: THE ROLE OF CONSPICUOUS CONSUMPTION AND HUMAN CAPITAL" by Omer Moav and Zvika Neeman, and I encounter some problem deriving one of the equations. ...
Estee L's user avatar
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Certainty equivalence when the utility is semi-continuous instead of continuous

Let $U:\mathbb R^2\to\mathbb R$ be a utility function. If $U$ is strictly increasing and continuous, then it is well known that for any $(x_1,x_2)$ there exists a certainty $(c,c)$ such that $$U(x_1,...
High GPA's user avatar
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Parsing problem 1.D.5 in MWG

I am a little confused about the statement of 1.D.5 in MWG, which I will reproduce here for convenience. I have "solved" the problem, I just don't understand something particular. $\textbf{(...
Seh-kai 's user avatar
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Question about MWG 17.D.1

I tried to solve by myself the exercises of MWG(Mas Colell). However, I think the exercise has an error at 17.D.1. The 17.D.1 asks us that "verify that there are multiple equilibria". However, The ...
martian03's user avatar
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Afriat theorem for negative goods

GARP and Afrait theorem assume that the alternative $x\in\mathbb R_+$ is always positive. In some economic contexts, such as financial choices, the attribute can be negative. I wonder if we can ...
High GPA's user avatar
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Optimal Fight Purse and Boxing Strategies

The following is all public information available to all the players in this scenario. The General Setup In the aftermath of the infamous race between the tortoise and the hare, the salty hare went ...
Kitsune Cavalry's user avatar
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How do supply chains form?

I am trying to put forth a theory for endogenous supply chain formation. A set of $K$ complementary tasks need to be performed to manufacture a good $G$. If manufactured, there exists a demand ...
Bravo's user avatar
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About Two Methods of Computing Bayesian Equilibria

Question I want to compute the Bayesian equilibria for the following Bayesian game: With probability $p$, player 1 would be of type 1.1. With probability $1-p$, player 1 would be of type 1.2. Player ...
Beerus's user avatar
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How to find the General Equilibria allowing for infinitesimal prices?

I know there can’t exist a usual Walrasian Equilibrium when both agents have the same lexicographic preferences: If both agents had the preferences $(x,y) \succeq (x’,y’) \iff:$ $x > x’ \text{ or } ...
Nicolas Torres's user avatar
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CARA risk-parameter estimation for discrete data as in Holt and Laury (2002)

I have a dataset with around 40 participants who choose between a pair of lotteries A or B while the probabilities of prizes change. This setting is similar to that in Holt and Laury (2002): Risk ...
Juustomies6's user avatar
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Looking for an universal utility function

I'm trying to build a computer simulation of an economy which separate simulation for each household and I'm trying to figure out what utility function should I use to model the households behavior. I ...
kandi's user avatar
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Endogeneity in demand estimation using demand systems estimations

Assume I have quantities and prices for J products across M markets in T periods. I want to estimate their elasticities. I construct J regressions of this type: $$\log \left(q_{j m t}\right)=\alpha_{t}...
AverageGuy's user avatar
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Why does short run market supply become more elastic with more firms

I have heard a justification along the lines of this: The supply curve becomes flatter (more elastic) with more firms in the market, because a given increase in price calls forth more production when ...
Ben Martin's user avatar
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Who were the first economists arguing that utility maximization is the core of rationality and economic behavior?

I am looking for the first economists arguing that maximizing utility function is the iff condition of rational behavior. I've learned that neoclassical economics is founded on this argument. Is this ...
High GPA's user avatar
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Why do two-sided marketplaces often charge both sides of the transaction?

Why do marketplace apps often charge both sides of the transaction, when charging one side could raise as much (or more) revenue and be simpler? i.e. if the marketplace knows which side of the market ...
dss's user avatar
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Where can I find research on the impact of informal/unregulated suppliers on prices and externalities?

I am looking for research and papers on the impact of informal/unregulated suppliers on market prices and negative externalities. I am particularly interested in the manufacturing sector.
Filippo Sebastio's user avatar
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Continuous logit models - random utility with uncountable choice set

This question is about the mathematical foundations of the continuous logit model, as derived in McFadden (1976) ( and Ben-Akiva et al (1985) ...
John's user avatar
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comparison of micro production functions

There are many different production function estimation methods, relevant for micro and firm data. For example Olley-Pakes, Levinsohn-Petrin, Ackerberg et al., Wooldridge etc. But does anyone know of ...
cel's user avatar
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What are Frisch Demands useful for?

Frisch demands are demand equations found usually in an intermediate step of the standard utility maximization problem. By example for the basic two-good case of a consumer with quasilinear ...
EconJohn's user avatar
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Understanding the Diewertt Cost Function

The Diewert cost function (as described in Microeconomic Analysis by Hal Varian 3rd Edition) takes the form of: $$c(w,y)=y\sum_{i=1}^k\sum_{j=1}^kb_{ij}\sqrt{w_iw_j}$$ Varian goes on to say (page ...
EconJohn's user avatar
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Equilibrium Uniqueness in a General Equilibrium Framework

I was wondering if anyone had any insight into the conditions that lead to a unique equilibrium in an exchange economy under a general equilibrium framework. More specifically, I know that the two "...
AndrewC's user avatar
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The second welfare theorem without monotonicity

Are there non monotonic preferences that are strictly convex and continues but the second welfare theorem does not hold for them?
Neta_1990's user avatar
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Social Choice: from Independence axiom to Mixture symmetry axiom

Harsanyi's Utilitarian theorems' has been criticized by Diamond Cardinal Welfare, Individualistic Ethics, and Interpersonal Comparison of Utilities and others that, it is the morally unacceptable for ...
Bob's user avatar
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Proof of Proposition 1.4 from Microfoundations I by Kreps

Regardless of the size of X (set of all possible objects), if a preference relation which is complete and transitive is defined on it, then the corresponding choice function generated by it will ...
subrat's user avatar
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Are there any economic studies of License-On-Transfer agreements?

A recent entry at GitHub's blog caught my attention: The "network" claims to provide protection from patent trolls by entering into an agreement automatically granting all ...
Deer Hunter's user avatar
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Effects of ACA individual mandate vs AHCA surcharge

The US Congress is currently considering a new healthcare bill, the AHCA, which would replace the existing healthcare bill, the ACA. One of the major changes is the way each bill encourages people to ...
TTT's user avatar
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In Debreu's representation theorem of ordinal utility, is the assumption of "second countability" necessary?

Debreu's representation theorems Debreu 1959 states that: second countability, continuity, and weak ordering sufficiently implies the existence of real (continuous) utility function. The second and ...
High GPA's user avatar
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Generalization of Debreu's additive utility function $\sum_nu_n(x_n)$ with infinite number of commodities

I want to generalize: $\sum_nu_n(x_n)$. Here $x_1,x_2,..,x_n,...$ are commodities. There are infinite number of commodities: $n\in\mathbb N$ or $n\in \mathbb R_+$ The following not a candidate: $\...
High GPA's user avatar
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Is there a labor vs leisure model with work experience?

I find the labor-leisure model with utility functions interesting, but I find it lacks the factor of work experience, which is very important in the real life labor market. This is a reason people why ...
Nicolas Torres's user avatar
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Screening models with multiple goods and interacting costs

I'm looking for a reference in the literature on monopolistic screening/mechanism design, where there are multiple allocative variables and these interact in the agent's utility function. For example, ...
econ1324's user avatar
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How to solve the Bertrand model when marginal costs are different and not constant?

Find the equilibrium in the Bertrand model with two firms, with total costs given by: $TC_1(q_1) = \alpha q_{1}^2$ $TC_2(q_2) = \beta q_{2}^2$ Inverse demand is given by $P = A - Q$, where $Q = q_1 + ...
Nicolas Torres's user avatar
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How to model the payoff (or utility function) of the information provider?

After a thorough look in the literature of information design like Bergemann and Morris and Kamenica and Gentzkow I am still not so sure how the utility gain or payoff of the information provider/...
Oliver Queen's user avatar
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Compensating wage differentials for risk

Question: The utility from daily income $(x)$ of an individual is given by $$U(x) = 100x - 0.5x^2$$ The only source of income is his earnings. Hence, $x = wl$ where $w = \text{wage}$ and $l = \text{...
Grunt's user avatar
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Utility function distinguishing between complements/substitutes

Distinguish between complements/substitutes in utility function or production function Hello everyone, I would like to know if there exists some utility function $U(x)$ for $n$ goods that is able to ...
Athaeneus's user avatar
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Ramsey Optimal Tax

Suppose there are $n$ goods ($x_i$ with prices $p_i$) to be taxed with a sequence of ad valorem taxes whose rates are given by $t_i$. The total tax revenue is $T = \sum_{i=1}^{n} t_ip_ix_i$. For a ...
Ricardo's user avatar
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Dynamic Information Provision model setup - It generalizes Dirk Bergemann and Stephen Morris

The following model setup is from the paper Dynamic Information Provision: Rewarding the Past and Guiding the Future by Ian Ball. It generalizes both the ideas of strategic information transmission of ...
Oliver Queen's user avatar
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Unit cost function for CES

You do not need to make computations, you can just tell me how to make the following derivation: I'm studying a paper where the unique final good of the economy is produced according to the following ...
John M.'s user avatar
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Extensive form game with multiple players

I am wondering on how to draw the extensive form with multiple players. Below is an example of the trust game. How would that look if there were two receivers with potentially different payoffs? Note ...
Papayapap's user avatar
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How can you simulate price/exchange for an economy according to supply and demand on a computer? Have there been any research papers or code doing so?

Essentially, I am asking if there have been any attempts at actually simulating how economic agents act in an economic environment and how prices are determined. To get a better feeling of what I mean,...
MrMineHeads's user avatar
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How did econometricians justify the use of $EU$ instead of $EU^2$?

Consider the following two utility functions: $EU(p)=\sum_i u_ip_i$ $EU^2(p)=(\sum_i u_ip_i)^2$. In preference theory, $EU$ and $EU^2$ are equivalent because they represent the same preference. A ...
dodo's user avatar
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Providing an example in cooperative - games and coalitions

Here is the paper from chich I previously posted another definition here Definition of a $k-$strong Nash Equilibrium I am trying to construct an example to understand the idea of the following ...
Hunger Learn's user avatar
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Super and sub modular games

I was trying to read up on super and sub modular games. I have started with basic survey papers like the one by Rabah Amir (2005). Research papers assume a lot of common knowledge (the papers that I ...
Pc1's user avatar
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Theoretical models of copyright infringement and efficiency implications

I wanted to know if there are theoretical models of copyright infringement and what are their implications for efficiency in the market and also, if possible, any empirical support they have. When I ...
Ishan Kashyap Hazarika's user avatar
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Some basic Consumption CAPM questions

Say we are in a world described by the consumption CAPM. All investors in this world have quadratic utility. Also, assume that consumption is as follows: $$c_{t+1} = (1+m_t)c_t + s_t c_t e_t $$ where ...
elbarto's user avatar
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Order-driven vs quote-driven markets

What is the difference between order driven and quote driven markets? Is there any theoretical microstructure book that gives the intuition behind the types of markets with respect to the orders that ...
Hunger Learn's user avatar

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