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Understanding the notations in Bayesian game definition

I am having trouble understanding the definition of a Bayesian game based on the following definition from class. I would appreciate it if you could explain the notations and overall meaning for point ...
coderDcoder's user avatar
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Understanding the Nash equilibrium for quadratic utilities

I need help to understand some steps of the article "Who's Who in Networks. Wanted: The Key Player" and I would greatly appreciate if someone can provide me with references or if they can ...
Haus's user avatar
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Asymmetries in Equilibrium Utility

In this lecture, the professor says that all Nash Equilibria have the same utility in non-atomic selfish routing, whereas this is not guaranteed in atomic selfish routing. It is unclear how general ...
user10478's user avatar
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Convex Preference in Nash Equilibrium

Arrow Debreu (AD) uses the convex preference (A4 among their four assumptions, also see the assumption IIIc in AD 1954 ECTA) to make general equilibrium (GE) exist, unique, and well-behave. What ...
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