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Questions tagged [nash-equilibrium]

A basic solution concept in game theory that requires each player to select their best response to the strategies chosen by others.

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0 votes
2 answers

finding BNE: when the player with no private information has strictly dominating strategies

I'm solving this question, where I'm supposed to find all the BNE for the following game. There are two players, 1 and 2, where 1 has type a and b, and 2 has just one type (so no private information). ...
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2 answers

How to prove that a mixed strategy nash equlibrium does not exist, when a game is dominance solvable?

Analyse and find all the Nash Equilibria (including pure and mixed strategy NE) for the following game table. Explain why if there is none. (Note: You need to present in a clear and easy-to-understand ...
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0 answers

Nash Equilibrium as a Saddle Point

Consider the zero-sum game $A = \begin{bmatrix}5 & 3 \\ 4 & -3\end{bmatrix}$. The interpretation is that Row Player chooses a probability distribution over Top and Bottom $\vec x = \begin{...
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1 answer

Subgame perfect equilibrium starting with a non-NE

Consider a $2$-player normal formal game that is being repeated twice. If there's only one pure strategy Nash-Equilibrium (call it $(X,x)$), can a subgame perfect equilibrium exist where an action-...
3 votes
3 answers

Pareto optimality and Externalities

Let's consider 5 farmers, each of them has 2 cows to put into the field. So every farmers can put 0,1 or 2 cows. I denote the three stategies by $q_i$, i=0,1,2. Now, the payoffs ( i.e. the amout of ...
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0 answers

Is there a concept of gaming efficiency?

Why don't people in the play want to change their strategies when the game is equilibrium? Because the payoff of the current strategy is not less than the payoff (benefit) of changing the strategy, ...
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2 answers

Optimal pareto in two-person game

For what values $x$, $y$ the profile $(D,L)$ is Pareto optimal? \begin{array}{c|ccc} & L & R \\ \hline U & x,5 & x+2,y \\ D& 1,-1 & x,0 \\ \end{array} Is correct $x<1$ ? ...
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0 answers

Given Q=80-4P where MC=0, Q=Q_1+Q_2+Q_3+...+Q_n, find the reaction curve for firm A,B, and C

Does the condtion Q=Q_1+Q_2+Q_3+...+Q_n affect the process of finding the reaction curves and cournot equilibrium or do we treat it as if were given the condition of Q=Q_1+Q_2+Q_3??
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1 answer

Existence of Nash equilibrium in auctions with common values and complete information

Suppose that a seller wants to allocate a single object among $n \in \{2, 3, \dots\}$ agents. Agents know the object is worth $v \geq 0$, so that values are common and agents have no private ...
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1 answer

How to show this game of complete information always has a pure strategy nash equilibrium with positive probability?

Suppose I have the following 3-player binary game with $Y_i\in\{0,1\}$ denote the action of player $i$ and $u_i+\delta_i\sum_{j\neq i}Y_j+\epsilon_i$ is the payoff function of choosing $Y_i=1$ for ...
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1 answer

How to find BNE of the exchange game?

Each of two players receives a ticket t on which there is a number in [0,1]. The number on a players ticket is the size of a prize that he may receive. The two prizes are identically and independently ...
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1 answer

Can game theoretic concepts be applied to any groups of strategies collectively partitioning the strategy space?

It is clear that players of a game can almost always create trivial variations on strategies without breaking game theoretic conclusions. For example, a player playing Rock Paper Scissors can play ...
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1 answer

Proof of existence and uniqueness

Please help me out with the conditions for existence of a pure strategy Nash equilibrium. The game is one of two players with symmetric strategies. After that, please help me out with the conditions ...
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0 answers

Bidding game with asymmetric information

Players $A,B$ are bidding for the outcome of 200 coinflips $X\sim Bin(200,1/2)$. The winning player gains $X$ minus their bid. Player $B$ has advantage of knowing the outcome of 20 randomly selected ...
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0 answers

Game Theory Extensive Game

1st question: What is the SPNE? My answer: A(BW), B(W): (2,1) 2st question: Show the game at its strategic form My answer: B W BB 2,1 1,2 BW 1,1 2,1 WW 3,0 0,3 WB 3,0 0,3 3rd question: Find all ...
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0 answers

Existence and uniqueness of equilibrium points for concave n-person games

I hope you are doing well. I am reading Rosen's paper. I am having a difficulty in understanding the following statements on page 530 The set $U(x) \subset E^k$ is determined as follows: $$ U(x)=\...
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0 answers

Topkis lattice theorems for strong Nash equilibria?

Apologies in advance if my question is unclear. A well known result of Topkis is that, in short, the set of Nash equilibria of a supermodular game is non-decreasing. Is there an equivalent result for ...
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2 answers

Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibirum, Contributing to a Public Good

I'm a economics undergrad student currently studying the basics of Game Theory. I'm trying to solve the following mixed strategy game: -Two players, Player 1 and Player 2 -Available actions: Each ...
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2 answers

Nash Equillibrium - Depend On The Opponent's Strategy?

Say I have the following pay-off matrix: For a one-shot game, it is easy to see, that (low, low) is the only Nash Equillibrium in the payoff-matrix. However, say we're playing an infinitely repeated ...
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1 answer

Finding the mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium in this game

Find the pure and mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium in this game: \begin{array}{c|cccc} P_1 \text{/} P_2 & \text{Ll} & \text{Lr} & \text{Rl} & \text{Rr} \\ \hline \text{T} & (3,2) &...
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0 answers

Game theory one shot deviation principle

Consider a variant of the alternative offers bargaining game studied in class. Two players are bargaining over the split of a pie of total size/value 1; each player likes as big a share as he can get. ...
5 votes
1 answer

About Two Methods of Computing Bayesian Equilibria

Question I want to compute the Bayesian equilibria for the following Bayesian game: With probability $p$, player 1 would be of type 1.1. With probability $1-p$, player 1 would be of type 1.2. Player ...
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1 answer

Find the Pure Nash Equilibria in this Two-Player Strategic Game

Players 1 and 2 are involved in a joint project. Each player i independently chooses an effort $c_{i}$ that can be any number in the interval from 0 to 1; that is, $0 \leq c_{1} \leq 1$ and $0 \leq c_{...
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0 answers

Are there Sequential Equilibria that are not Trembling Hand Perfect Equilibria, that don't involve Weakly Dominated strategies?

I'm taking an advanced course (graduate level) in Game Theory. My class has covered several equilibrium concepts, up to Sequential Equilibrium. The professor said that there are already more ...
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1 answer

On and off equilibrium path game theory

I am super confused about on and off equilibrium path equilibria. Is it safe to say Nash equilibria can be on or off the equilibrium path due to the fact that one player could be irrational and ...
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Sequential Bertrand competition Nash equilibrium when marginal costs are zero

How do I find the Nash equilibrium in sequential Bertrand competition between 2 firms if both their marginal costs are zero?
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Bertrand Duopoly game

Consider the Bertrand’s Duopoly game with demand D(p) = α − p. Assume that each firm is restricted to choose a price is an integer. Also, assume that each firm has a constant marginal cost c is an ...
9 votes
3 answers

How infinite Nash equilibria are possible in a game?

I was studying games when one of the players seems to be indifferent between two or more pure strategies because he gets the same payoff with each strategy. We say that there are infinite Nash ...
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0 answers

Iterative deletion and Nash equilibria in a 3 players game

I was waked with finding all the Pure Nash Equilibrium in this game. After using the "circle the best response" method of finding each players rational choices it seems as though there is no ...
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1 answer

Equilibrium of Perturbed Dollar Auction Game - An Example from Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict by Roger Myerson

I am studying game theory using Myerson's textbook (Chapter 3 - Equilibria of Strategic-Form Games, Section 3.6 - The Decision-Analytic Approach to Games). I have difficulties understanding and ...
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1 answer

About infinite strategy sets and $\epsilon$-equilibrium from Game Theory: Analysis of Confilct by Roger Myerson

I am studying infinite strategy sets using Myerson's Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict. On Page 143, he defines an $\epsilon$-equilibrium as follows: Definition For any nonnegative number $\epsilon$, ...
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1 answer

Auction with independent private values - An example from Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict by Roger Myerson

I have difficulties understanding the equilibrium analysis of the following auction game: Suppose that there are $n$ bidders in an auction for a single indivisible object. Each player knows privately ...
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1 answer

Using Variance for Nash Equilibrium

For the mixed strategies, the expected utility (or payoff) is used to find the mixed strategy Nash Equilibrium. The main assumption is players try to maximize their expected payoffs. However, I think ...
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0 answers

Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium

Consider the game of Battle of Sexes, where $$\begin{matrix} &&Women\\ && Football & Resaurant\\ Men&Football&2,1 & 0,0 \\ &Restaurant&0,0 & 1,2 \end{...
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1 answer

Proving the existence of mixed-strategy NE for 2-player zero-sum symmetric game

I am trying to prove the existence of mixed-strategy NE for 2-player zero-sum symmetric game, under the condition that given they have $I$ pure strategies and for the pay-off matrix $A$, $\exists x\in ...
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1 answer

How do the assumptions $p'+q_ip''<0$ and $p'-c''<0$ ensure the stability of the Nash equilibrium among private firms in basic mixed oligopoly model?

I have two quick question regarding basic oligopoly models: What is meant by we impose the assumptions to $p'+q_ip''<0$ and $p'-c''<0$ to ensure the stability of the Nash equilibrium among ...
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1 answer

Nash Equilibria in a Game with Three Firms and a Shared Resource

I’m trying to understand the Nash equilibria in a game involving three firms that use water from a shared lake. Each firm can choose to purify the water before returning it to the lake or not purify ...
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1 answer

Understanding the notations in Bayesian game definition

I am having trouble understanding the definition of a Bayesian game based on the following definition from class. I would appreciate it if you could explain the notations and overall meaning for point ...
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1 answer

Optimality of the free market and game-theoretic arguments

I recently heard an informal argument that went something like this: Through individual self-interest and freedom of production and consumption, the best interest of society, as a whole, are ...
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0 answers

Nash equilibrium in p-beauty contest game where p=1

Setup: players must chose a number between 0 and 100. The winner of the game is the player whose chosen number is closest to the average of all chosen numbers multiplied by "p". Assume that ...
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2 answers

How to find the equilibrium amount of $p_{2}$ in terms of $p_{1}$?

There are $100$ tons of crops remaining to supply for the two months. The crop holders consider whether to sell crops now or one month later. Holders face the demand curve of each period as below: $...
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1 answer

Different payouts of pure strategies in mixed strategies

I have a question with mixed strategies. The question is as follows, if we're in a strategy profile that is a Nash equilibrium and a player is playing a mixed strategy, can the pure strategies that ...
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1 answer

Understanding the Nash equilibrium for quadratic utilities

I need help to understand some steps of the article "Who's Who in Networks. Wanted: The Key Player" and I would greatly appreciate if someone can provide me with references or if they can ...
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2 answers

Mixed Strategies in Bayes Nash Equilibrium (Bayesian Battle of the Sexes). Shouldn't it depend on $p$?

I have a question about calculating mixed strategies in a Bayes Nash Equilibrium in a simple 2-player bimatrix game. To demonstrate the issue, consider ``Bayesian Battle of the Sexes.'' Suppose P1 ...
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1 answer

Geometric Interpretation of the Potential Function of a Game

One geometric interpretation of (at least one term of) the potential function I've come across is as the Riemann-approximated area under an individual player's cost as a function of the number of ...
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1 answer

Why are Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibria special cases of Correlated Equilibria and Coarse Correlated Equilibria?

In a Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium, each player constructs their own probability distribution over the set of their respective possible strategies. In a Correlated Equilibrium or a Coarse Correlated ...
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1 answer

Asymmetries in Equilibrium Utility

In this lecture, the professor says that all Nash Equilibria have the same utility in non-atomic selfish routing, whereas this is not guaranteed in atomic selfish routing. It is unclear how general ...
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1 answer

Rationalizable strategies/ Nash equilibrium

For the question below, how can we solve it generally for every value of θ? As the θ is not discrete, I am not sure how to apply iterated elimination of dominated strategies in this question. And is ...
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2 answers

Level-0 in Level-k model

According to the level-k theory: ...
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1 answer

Slight Uncertainty of Continuation in Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma

In a repeated prisoner's dilemma with some probability δ of continuing after each round, a Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibrium may be found which induces cooperation instead of defection in each round. ...

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