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Why have gas prices gone up so much recently? [duplicate]

Gas prices are soaring. Russia cant have this much influence on the world economy, or can it? Maybe it is due to a post COVID recession?
Daniel Adams's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Can increasing oil prices cause decreasing automobile prices?

oil prices are increasing recently due to war and some other reasons. Also i live in a country with exchange rate of 17 againist US Dollars and its getting worse day by day. i drive an old car , ...
M.SEL's user avatar
  • 13
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How much of gas prices can be tied to refinery profit margins?

US President Biden wrote a letter (widely reported, but I can't find an official' copy; see here for full text) blaming fat refinery profit margins for the recent (January-June) rise in gasoline ...
Charles's user avatar
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Who pays the current price of oil?

(Please let me know if this question belongs somewhere else.) I understand the price of crude oil is set by a multitude of factors so this question should be very simple, I just can't find it anywhere....
John's user avatar
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Why are the gas prices so high in the US and why does it depend on OPEC+?

I've been reading these days a lot of discussions between people on the internet concerning the hikes in gas prices. I then read many articles about this, and the opinions are really different, and ...
Paul's user avatar
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74 votes
5 answers

Why is the oil future price negative?

I don't understand why the price of oil futures went negative today. News say it is because sellers cannot sell it. But, why don't they just hoard it until the coronavirus crisis is off? Why don't ...
chatGPT's user avatar
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Can the effect of different prices of gasoline at different gas stations be measured?

I am looking for studies in which the effect on demand of different prices of gasoline at different gas stations in the same area is measured or estimated (on the same day or hour). This question ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why does a lack of pipelines cause Canadian crude oil to trade at a discount compared to US crude oil?

There is an ongoing political battle in Canada about the proposed expansion of the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline. One argument in favour of the expansion that is repeated by just about every ...
HighCommander4's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Simple model to predict oil prices

Back when Hugo Chavez was still alive (former leader of Venezuela), he said they made "simulations" to predict how much oil prices will increase if they retire the supply of oil they were giving to ...
Pablo's user avatar
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1 answer

How to measure expected price growth rate for oil?

How can someone measure the expected annual price growth rate for oil? Also, where can I find past annual price growth rate for oil values? Any help would be appreciated.
An old man in the sea.'s user avatar