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Questions tagged [optimization]

Mathematical techniques for the selection of a best element (with respect to some criteria) from the set of available alternatives.

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How to find the Utility Possibility Frontier when there are Perfect Substitutes?

I am trying to derive the Utility Possibility Frontier (UPF) when both utility functions display perfect substitutes (in an Edgeworth economy with to consumers and two goods). The specific problem: $...
JKL's user avatar
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Expectational stability: adaptive learning of RE equilibria in dynamic systems

There are two steps in the explanation of the expectational stability concept by Evans and Honkapohja (2001) (see below) that I don't understand. Step 1. What does this formula below mean, ...
Beck Batucada's user avatar
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Economics of Justifying N95 masks and Mass COVID testing [closed]

The US has shutdown a significant fraction of its economy because of COVID-19. Eventually we will all migrate in a pre-COVID direction. Obviously, too fast would be a medical disaster, too slow ...
gatorback's user avatar
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Utility Theory/Marginal Rate of Substitution: Can the marginal rate of substitution be calculated for a point of the budget line?

This a person's budget line with various points, and their consumption, C*, and their endowment e, which is worth $5000 (unimportant). Also shows is their initial indifference curve. The difference ...
2f0j93092fj023jf's user avatar
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Concavity of Cobb-Douglass Utility Function on Non-Open set

My textbook argues that the Cobb-Douglass utility function $u=(x1)^a(x2)^b$ with $a,b>0$ and $a+b<1$ is concave on $R2+$ by computing the Hessian and showing it to be negative semidefinite for ...
Jacob Bak's user avatar
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Optimization problem of a Cobb-Douglas function with 3 inputs

A perfectly competitive firm uses 3 inputs to manufacture a certain product according to the following Cobb-Douglas production function: $$ Q = A L_1^{\alpha_1} L_2^{\alpha_2} L_3^{\alpha_3} $$ ...
SavedByJESUS's user avatar
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Complementary slackness conditions (Kuhn-Tucker)

Consider the problem of maximising a smooth function subject to the inequality constraint that $g(x) \leq b$. The complementary slackness condition says that $$ \lambda[g(x) - b] = 0$$ It is often ...
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On demand functions and Engel curves

A consumer has utility function $U(x,y)=(x−2)y$, where $x≥2$ and $y≥0$. The price of $x$ is $P_x$, the price of $y$ is $P_y$ and the consumer's income is $I>2P_x$. ($x$ and $y$ do not have to be ...
Ethan Mark's user avatar
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Kuhn-Tucker conditions in linear cost minimization

Suppose we have the production function $f: \mathbb{R}^{2} \to \mathbb{R}$ given by $$ f(x,y) = ax + by $$ and input prices $p_{1}$ and $p_{2}$, and we want to minimize the cost function $p_{1}x_{1} ...
gtoques's user avatar
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Budget Constraint in Utility Maximisation Problem with Lagrange Multipliers

Lets say we have a utility function $U: \mathbb{R}^{2} \to \mathbb{R}$ given by $U(x,y)$ and a binding budget constraint $p_{x} x + p_{y} y = m$, where $p_{x}, p_{y}$ are prices of goods $x,y$ and $m$ ...
gtoques's user avatar
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What does the elasticity say about the fraction of total cost used on input 1?

A firm have the following production function $$ y=x_{1}^{\alpha} x_{2}^{1-\alpha}, \quad 0< \alpha < 1 $$ $w_1>0$ is the cost of input 1 and $w_2 > 0$ is the cost of input 2. (1.1) ...
Xenusi's user avatar
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Kuhn Tucker Maximization

I have to maximize following expected utility function using Kuhn tucker conditions - Since expected utility function are increasing $C_{1,t}$ and $C_{2,t}$ so constraints (i) and (ii) will hold with ...
Elina Gilbert's user avatar
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Dynamic programming, optimal consumption-savings (finite horizon) problem

Let $w_t$ denote a consumer's wealth at time $t$ and $c_t$, the amount she chooses to consume, so her savings exiting this time period are $w_t-c_t$. Given this savings decision, her savings $w_{t+1}$ ...
Nav89's user avatar
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Corner solution of the maximization problem

Answer Hello, I upload the actual question with my 8-pages answer. Please can you check it. Is there a corner dissolution for $c=\gamma$. Please share your ideas. Thanks.
studentp's user avatar
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Revenue maximization problem

There are $N>0$ Households in an economy. The government has aim to maximize a weighted average of income by imposing tax on the rich people and redistribute the tax revenue to the labor ones. ...
studentp's user avatar
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The centralized shift from barter to currency economy

Suppose some ancient king of small bronze age city-state wants to introduce universal currency instead of barter that is currently in overwhelming practice in his kingdom. In order to smooth the shift,...
Мікалас Кaрыбутоў's user avatar
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Numerical Solution Using Excel about optimal consumption of households

I'm not sure how to solve this problem. I'm given the discount factor, interest rate, probability of high income shock, and various income shock sizes that I need to use to compute optimal consumption....
user24609's user avatar
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Central bank loss function (I did a solution, but it doesn’t totally make sense I guess)

I have question on central bank loss function. We know that the central bank loss function is $$L(\pi, \bar{Y})= (\pi- \pi^e)^2+\beta \bar {Y}^2$$ And we know that fisher equation is $$i=r+\pi^e$$...
studentp's user avatar
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A profit maximization problem (whole problem has been solved, I just have question about interpretation)

I would like to discuss with you about the following production function. $$y=f(t_m, t_l)=\rho t_m^m(n+t_l)$$ where $0<m<1 $ and $n>0$ are fixed parameters. $t_m$ is manager time. $t_l$ ...
studentp's user avatar
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derive value function from utility function

We have the utility function. $$U_{t} = \ln{c_{t}} + E_{t}\sum_{s=1}^{\infty}(\beta^{s}\ln{c_{t+s}})$$ And I am trying to find the value function. $U$ is utility function. $c_t$ is consumption at ...
MyJAJAJAJJA's user avatar
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Can I Upload my Preprint on Arxiv Before Submitting it to JPE

I wrote a paper relating the optimal deterrence strategy for crime to concepts on statistical physics, and I am considering submitting the paper to the Journal of Political Economy. I'm wondering if ...
PeaBrane's user avatar
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Cobb Douglas, Budget Line, Demand function question

use the general form of the Cobb Douglas utility function $U(x,y)= (x^a)(y^b)$ and the budget constraint in the form $B=p_{x}X + p_{y}Y$ to find the demand functions for good x and good y. Is this ...
Steven Di Pr's user avatar
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Optimal point and MRS

I read that the tangency condition is not sufficient for optimality, and that one other condition is that the MRS must equal the slope of the budget line at an interior optimum. My confusion is that ...
itssohardtocomeupwithusernames's user avatar
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Maximising a partly concave and partly convex function

Let $f: \mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ be a twice differentiable and strictly increasing function. Suppose that we are searching for the numbers $x_1$, ..., $x_n$ that maximise $$\sum_{i=0}^{n}{f(...
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Typical Growth Model Social Planner Problem

Consider the following social planner's problem, hand-waving the usual assumptions on the preference, technology, endowment, and inelastic supply of labor: $V(k_o^*)= max_{\{c_t,k_{t+1}\}_{t=0}^{\...
Frank Swanton's user avatar
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Stokey, Lucas (1989) p 11 FOC

My Lagrangian is: $L=\sum\limits_{t=0}^T \beta^tU(f(k_t)-k_{t+1})+\sum\limits_{t=0}^T\lambda_t(f(k_t)-k_{t+1}).$ My FOC for $[k_{t+1}]$ is: $\beta^tU'(f(k_t)-k_{t_1}^*)(-1)-\lambda_t^*+\beta^{t+1}U'...
Frank Swanton's user avatar
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Finding the optimal consumption bundle given the strictly concave utility function $v(x,y) = U(x) +y$?

I am also finding it difficult to understand what are the fundamental differences between analysing optimal bundles between concave and convex functions ? Does it also happen that the optimal bundle ...
metrics24's user avatar
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Maximization problem FOC and Euler equation

Can someone please help me with the Lagragian and the derivation of the following objective function ? Beneath I provide the objective function, the constraint and the Euler equation that results from ...
Kamel Ismaël's user avatar
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Is anyone familiar with the following basic resource sharing model?

Here is a resource sharing model, I do not remember where I came across it, I am wondering if this is well known in econometrics. Let $T > 0$ be the total quantity of resources. For example, ad ...
Curaçao Hajek's user avatar
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Symmetric Cournot equilibrium: suffciency without second order conditon

Let $q_i \in Q = \mathbb R_+$ denote the quantity produced by firm $i \in \{1,2\}$. Further let $\pi_i(q_1,q_2) = (1-q_1-q_2)q_i$ denote the profits of $i$. A Nash equilibrium $(q_1^*,q_2^*) \in Q^2$ ...
clueless's user avatar
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Pareto efficiency (optimality conditions) in simple New Keynesian model

I am looking for the pareto-optimal equilibrium for a central planner's problem in a simple New Keynesian model. The planner's problem is to choose $\{ C_{t}, H_{t}, Y_{t}, \pi_{t}, \{h_{t}(j)_{j=0}^{\...
Ali's user avatar
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Neoclassical model with proportional taxes

In a certain economy, time is discrete with periods $t=0,1,2,...$. The economy is populated by many households and identical firms. The utility of a household is: $\displaystyle\sum^{\infty}_{t=0}\...
lynak's user avatar
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How to find the optimal consumption basket? [closed]

A consumer has the following utility function and income. 𝑈(𝑥, 𝑦) =1/2 * ln 𝑥 + 1/2 * ln y Price of 𝑥 = Price of 𝑦 = 100. Income = 1000 Suppose that the consumer gets 2 redeemable coupons for ...
Lollipop's user avatar
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Constrained Optimization using Lagrangian method

The stationary points that we derive by solving the first order conditions of the Lagrangian are those points global optimum points or local optimum points?
Kautilya's user avatar
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Have I found the correct Emission Price

Let's say that there is a hotel owner $(H)$ and a woodworker $(W)$ working in close proximity to one another. The woodworker produces $x$ units to sell at market at $p_{x}=6,5$. From the woodworking ...
MinaThuma's user avatar
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Why do we have to normalize the income of consumers when working with an Edgeworth Box in a simple trade model with Pareto optima?

I was studying microeconomics and I confess I am not the brightest person for maths and sorry if this is very dumb but I get that we CAN normalize the income and I get where it comes from and how it ...
Escribas's user avatar
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What is the "bequest condition" in a finite-horizon discrete optimization problem?

For a finite-horizon discrete time optimization problem, my textbook provides a condition called the "bequest condition", which I'm not familiar with. Specifically, where the state at time $t$ is ...
David's user avatar
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Any interior solution for $u(x,y) = min\left \{ x,y \right \}^{2} + max\left \{ x,y \right \}$?

Will all the solutions be in the corner or will the cusp in the middle give us any interior solution? This is by the intersection of the budget line. I am getting this type of a shape: But I am not ...
OGC's user avatar
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Can $u(x) = \sqrt{x_1 x_2} + \sqrt{x_3 x_4}$ be solved by Kuhn–Tucker conditions?

Consider $\max_{x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4} u(x) = \sqrt{x_1 x_2} + \sqrt{x_3 x_4}$ s.t. $\; p_1x_1 + p_2x_2 + p_3x_3 + p_4x_4 \le w$ I know we can solve the max problem through separately considering ...
Yun's user avatar
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Calculate optimal discount for product bundling

So recently I made some rules with my transaction data. Based on it I can determine which products are profitable to bundle it together. But even though I know e.g. product A→ product B, are there ...
3xphate's user avatar
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Utility Function Implies Consumption of Not All Goods

Suppose we have a utility function with three inputs, $j, k,$ and $s$ described by $$u(j,k,s) = A\ln(k^\alpha + \beta j^\alpha) + B\ln(s).$$ The price of $j, k,s$ are $p_j, p_k, p_s$, respectively, ...
lithium123's user avatar
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Concave utility functions corner solution explanation

I seem to not be getting this. Could someone explain me the mathematical way to show a concave utility function [like (ax^2+by^2)] subject to a budget constraint has a corner solution. I get the ...
Sumukh Sai's user avatar
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Investor's optimization problem with risk aversion

Consider an investor with initial wealth $w$ and has to decide how to invest it. There is a riskless asset with rate of return $r$. The risky asset has return $x_i$ with probability $\pi_i$ for $i=1,2,...
Henam's user avatar
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A question about Lagrange multiplier(when $\lambda=0$)

I need help in a maximization problem(finding the optimal investment portfolio). where $R_s$ and $\Phi$ are $n$ by $1$, with other variables being scalars. $C^s$ is consumption (or wealth) of an ...
Hank's user avatar
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Is this Cost function concave or convex?

Given the following cost function, where t is the quantity of some product. $$C(t) = 1/3t^3 - 7t^2 +11t + 50$$ here is a graph between $t= 0$ and $t = 25$ We are asked if this function is convex or ...
C. Master's user avatar
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Weierstrass Theorem in Optimization

Weierstrass Theorem states that any bounded sequence has a convergent subsequence. I did that in my maths course and understood it completely. But when I was learning optimization techniques in ...
Elina Gilbert's user avatar
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General Equilibrium with Linear Production

I don't think I understand how optimization problems with a linear function work as of now. If you have a production economy with two agents, two goods and Cobb-Douglas utility representation, and you ...
soccer_stats's user avatar
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Finding savings in an Overlapping Generations model

I have not seen this question asked anywhere, so I'm posing it here in case anybody else (hopefully) can help me get to the answer. In a nutshell, my question is: how do we arrive at the saving ...
GonH's user avatar
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Difficulty in an economics' optimization problem using Kuhn-Tucker conditions (interpretation difficulty)

I am having troubles in solving correctly the following problem: A company wants to minimize its total costs, on the condition that the income obtained from the sale of the quantities $x_1, x_2$ of ...
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Natural borrowing/debt limit and other borrowing constraints

When confronted with the simple household consumption maximization problem under uncertainty (and with Arrow security sequential trading) $$\max_{\{c_t(s^t),a_{t+1}(s^t,s_{t+1})\}_{t=0}^{\infty}}\...
erised's user avatar
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