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3 answers

How long can I live in the United States with my German monthly income?

I see different (more or less abstract resp. specific) approaches to compare wealth (of individuals, regions, and countries): by living standards by living expenses by incomes/salaries by purchasing ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
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Reference recommendation on the causal relationship between family size and children's educational attainment, or the quantity-quality trade-off

I am currently reading both Poor Economics and Factfulness, and two seemingly contradictory statements jump out at me. From Factfulness, and I am kind of taking this statement out of context, but it ...
Steve Yang's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a study of world poverty rates over time pre 1800?

There seems to be research showing that world poverty rates have declined since 1800, see eg this. Is there any research on world poverty rates before this period? I am guessing that during this ...
Max Flander's user avatar
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2 answers

Erik Reinert's conclusions and experiments in economics

I have just read Erik Reinert's, "How Rich Countries Got Rich… and Why Poor Countries Stay Poor". Can anybody advise me some further reading on this topic? I wonder, in particular, if there were ...
Sergei Akbarov's user avatar