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Questions tagged [price-control]

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What is stopping US tariffs in conjunction with a price ceiling?

A common push-back to President Elect Trump's proposed tariffs on Chinese imported goods is that the cost would be imposed upon domestic consumers via China raising the price of exported goods (...
rnty's user avatar
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Why do economists deliberately conflate willingness and ability to pay in the context of price signals and price gouging?

Economists tend to disagree with price gouging legislation, because they agree with price gouging and posit that it ensures the most "efficient" distribution of resources during a crisis. ...
anonymous_inquirer's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Effects of Eliminating Government Controls on Supply (organ donation)

I was having a discussion with somebody about organ transplants. I gave the free market pov that allowing the sale of organs would greatly increase the supply, and the all-in price would come down ...
Jonathan Rachlin's user avatar
1 vote
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What are the consequences of price-capping non-perishables undergoing temporary demand-spikes?

Due to the recent coronavirus outbreak (2020 for future readers), many consumers worldwide are overstocking on non-perishable products like toilet papers and hand sanitizers, in order to avoid ...
TZubiri's user avatar
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19 votes
6 answers

What is the likely result of rent control in Berlin?

What predictions does economics make about the likely result of this policy in Berlin of capping rent prices. Berlin is freezing the rents of 1.5 million apartments for the next five years starting ...
FreeMarketUnicorn's user avatar