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Questions tagged [technological-progress]

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Labour saving technological change VS Capital saving technological change

I have been learning about technological change in relation with production functions(cobb Douglas) and isoquants and I'm very confused as the explanations can be somewhat vague and not clear enough. ...
j jose's user avatar
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Why does MRTS get smaller when there is labour saving technical change

Context* both curves in the image have the same level of output, it shows the progress of technological change. When labour efficiency has gotten proportionally better in comparison with capital, I ...
j jose's user avatar
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Normalized CES supply systems: Klump, McAdam, and Willman (2007)

I am trying to use EViews to replicate the article that used the normalized CES supply system from Klump, McAdam, and Willman (2007). When I set technology progress as an exponential function, I can ...
Yuxuan Zhu's user avatar
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Origin of terms Harrod neutral, Solow neutral and Hicks neutral

I just looked for the same question on the exchange but I didn't find anything, I even tried to look for the answer on Google but it seems it's not present. Could someone give me the origin of these ...
Pepus's user avatar
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Does the tech sector show that we can live with deflation?

Technology has been incredibly deflationary in the past century. A thousand dollars buys you a better iPhone this year than what was available last year. If you want a 60-inch TV, you could get it for ...
Nayuki's user avatar
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How 19th century luddites differ from today's political luddism that tries to bound AI?

There are ongoing preparations for the AI regulation summits that are planned to be held by G7 AI control group and ...
TomR's user avatar
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How Does Economics Address Society's Major Existential Threats?

Given our societal emphasis on the pace of 'progress', often overlooking its direction, we face a multitude of existential challenges [1]. These range from the looming threat of nuclear warfare and ...
Pavel Kocourek's user avatar
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Three types of Neutral technological Change

Can you tell me why the isoquants changes as per pic below in the three cases of neutral technological change: i) Hicks neutral, ii) Solow neutral, iii) Harrod neutral
John M.'s user avatar
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Is it reasonable to run particle colliders from economic perspective?

Every major economy runs particle colliders, which consume huge amount of resources, billions € (not including the cost of education and time of highly qualified personell). There are many articles ...
Jan Turoň's user avatar
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Technology as an endogenous economic variable

Most of the economic literature on technical progress either treats it as an exogenous variable, often as a stochastic shocks or without specifying the origin of technological progress. On the other ...
Davius's user avatar
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Can the Mahalanobis distance measure ( as defined by Bloom, Schankerman, Reenen Econometrica 2013) between a firm and itself be greater than 1?

I am currently working on estimating a Knowledge Proximity measures for firms and wanted to replicate the Mahalanobis distance measure discussed in Appendix C.2 of Bloom, Schankerman, and Van Reenen (...
Milenko Andres Fadic's user avatar
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How would you measure automation or technological development?

Hello dear Economists, I am a Political Science Masters student and now I have this paper due 10 days. It is only a paper so I should not model something too complex and also I obviously lack the ...
Meriç Gür's user avatar
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Neoclassical Growth Model with Technology Investment

I am reading Parente & Prescott 1994 JPE. This is just a typical neoclassical model with the extension of a global technology diffusion function and firm investment in technology. Firms have ...
Alalalalaki's user avatar
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Can technological investments and advancements be used as monetary policy tool to fight high inflation (or its prospects)?

As of today (2021.12) inflation figures are high (the prospects are under discussions but risks of high inflation can be projected to the future as well) and monetary tightening is in the cards. That ...
TomR's user avatar
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Idea Production Function References

I've read in growth theory about the Idea production function: $\dot{A}=f(A,S)$ which states that the change in ideas or blueprints or patents is a function of past ideas and the number of scientists. ...
user36308's user avatar
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Basic question i guess

I'm not in economics, I'm actually studying sociology and I'm doing a subject about labor economics. I'm reading an article that talks about automation and says "The employment impact of ...
waka 's user avatar
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Can demand side restrictions explain the productivity paradox (Solow paradox)?

Productivity paradox is the name for the slow productivity growth (i.e. slow GDP growth) of the developed economies despite the robotics, AI, ...
TomR's user avatar
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Would directing more money to science and research and development be an effective response to recessions?

Typical responses to recessions is to follow Keynesian economics and support demand. Would directing money towards science and research and development be a better long term solution to recessions ...
Scc33's user avatar
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Neutral technical progress

Recently I learnt that Cobb-Douglas production function has elasticity of substitution equal to 1, therefore it has neutral technical progress. Then Leontief production function has zero elasticity of ...
Deb B.'s user avatar
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Why labor-augmenting technological progress increases employment and wages?

My textbook says that advances in technology typically raise the marginal product of labor and shift the labor demand curve to the right and calls it labor-augmenting technological advances. The book ...
boinka's user avatar
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Are short-let platforms really contributing to rising rent prices?

Short-term rent services such as AirBnB are often criticized for eroding the communities by increasing rent prices for locals: ... as short-term letting transfers much-needed housing from the ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
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Costs of transportation

I assume that it makes sense to ask for the energy costs of transportation of different goods per weight and volumetric mass density, depending on the means of transportation (truck, train, ship, etc.)...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
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Technological unemployment

I am doing a project on technological change in the job market, that is the substitution of routine occupations and increasing demand for high-skilled jobs. I have done some research on this and now I ...
Julia Raciniewska's user avatar
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Can we see the computer age in the productivity statistics?

Robert Solow famously said: You can see the computer age everywhere but in the productivity statistics This quote is often linked with the productivity paradox (
chatGPT's user avatar
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Reference Request: Primer on Relationship Economic Growth and Science / Technology

I'm in the early stages of planning a research agenda in this area, which means studying the current literature with an eye for further research opportunities. The Economics of Science and ...
quantif's user avatar
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How technology will help economists to do better predictions?

Would technologies as AI, BI and Big Data help the economists to make better predictions and test models to solve problems like "What level of fiscal stimulus is better for a especific country?" Is ...
Guilherme de Jesus Santos's user avatar
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Labour-saving vs. Labour-augmenting technical change

I've read a number of posts on the above topic but none refers to published empirical papers. Google searches have been hopeless. Does anyone know of any paper on empirical derivation of technical ...
london's user avatar
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Was there a Role of Technology in Macroeconomic Models before Solow?

Was the role of technological progress formalised by Solow (1956) for the first time? or at least he provided the initial formal insight into the role of technological progress in economic growth?
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