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Where can we find M2 (or M1) data breakdown by wealth percentiles?

(this question refers to the US only) We have official data on M2 by the Fed, but, if I understand correctly, this M2 data includes even bank deposits of firms/corporations where I am after the ...
discipulus's user avatar
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Is There an rNPV Model Relating Money Supply, Total Wealth and Money Velocity?

It seems sensible that the supply of constant-value units of fiat money should roughly correspond to the total wealth of the jurisdiction's economy, in the same sense that an on-demand gold ...
James Bowery's user avatar
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How does the pie get larger?

I understand the concept of creation of wealth through trade, innovation, labor and capital. New value is being added to the economy. Let's imagine for a second that there are no central banks and the ...
vtb's user avatar
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Wealth Creation: Where does the money come from?

I'm trying to better understand wealth creation– let's use trade as an example. I've bought a cup for \$2 and sold it for \$10. We've "created some new wealth" there– but without a net increase in ...
aroooo's user avatar
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