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US WTO Most favoured nation tariffs higher than bound tariffs. Why? I was reading this: "Bound Tariffs are specific commitments made by individual WTO member governments. The bound ...
Studi's user avatar
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2 intercepts in a probit model about WTO/GATT concessions?

I am currently reading a research paper(Developing Countries and General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade/World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement by Marc L. BUSCH and Eric REINHARDT) and in the part ...
viktor nikiforov's user avatar
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Why agricultural subsidies were targeted in 1991 Indian Economic Liberalization

In the book Half - Lion: How P.V Narasimha Rao Transformed India, the author mentions that one of the contentious reforms for 1992 were agricultural subsidy reforms. I don't understand how is this ...
Kutsit's user avatar
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Does the WTO monitor the trade of players in association football? Could they?

So I understand the WTO is able to settle trade disputes. If the German Bundesliga said English players had a 1% luxury fee that went towards operation costs (A \$100,000 transfer would cost \$101,000,...
Kieran Edraney's user avatar
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What is market economy status?

After reading several articles on China losing WTO dispute against EU for market economy status, I could not understand what is the market economy status in this case? One such newspaper article is ...
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In practice, are retaliatory tariffs the first step (or among the first steps) in the WTO dispute resolution process?

In theory, retaliatory tariffs probably aren't first step in the WTO dispute resolution process. Instead, the dispute is supposed to go through consultations, which take some 6.6-months on average, ...
fantastic peace and prosperity's user avatar
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Are there agreements in place between the EU and the US to facilitate trade in services?

What agreements are in place between the EU and the US to facilitate trade in services?
52d6c6af's user avatar
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Are tariffs ever levied on services and does MFN apply?

I am interested in tariffs on services. Are tariffs ever levied on services and do most-favoured nation rules apply as they do with goods?
52d6c6af's user avatar
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What are some of the barriers to trading services?

As I understand it countries negotiate free trade agreements in services using the WTO GATS. But what are some of the barriers to the transnational exchange of services that an FTA would seek to ...
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