I'm trying to practice reading economic data from FRED and BEA websites, but they seem to be providing conflicting data that I cannot understand at all. For example, looking at Real GDP percentage change quarterly... [FRED: Real Gross Domestic Product | Quarterly | Percent Change](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GDPC1#0) - Q4 2019: 0.52% - Q1 2020: -1.28% BUT on the [BEA website](https://www.bea.gov/news/2020/gross-domestic-product-1st-quarter-2020-second-estimate-corporate-profits-1st-quarter) it says: - Q4 2019: 2.1% - Q1 2020: -5% How is this possible!?!?!?! There must be something super obvious I'm missing?