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Matching unpopularity

It's not true that "no-one uses matching these days". It's a bit too definitive. For example, see Bilicka (2019) who recently published in the American Economic Review. I am sure it's ...
emeryville's user avatar
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The core and competitive equilibrium

tldr: The core is a very general concept that can be used in a vast amount of models. Applying it to the setting of a general equilibrium, you can show that every competitive equilibrium is in the ...
tdm's user avatar
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Identification of firm-worker fixed effect wage equation

Think about a regression where you have two factors. Normally when you have a constant in the regression you would put one level of each factor to 0 as a reference level. Leaving out the constant you ...
Jesper Hybel's user avatar
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Question regarding preferences in Gale and Shapley (1962)

Gale and Shapley barely make any assumptions about preferences. They don't need a functional form, simply an ordinal ranking of the options. Moreover, there are no transfers in this setting, only the ...
Bayesian's user avatar
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Multi-item multi-unit matching markets

I gave you an extremely vague lead in my other comment. Thinking about it a bit harder, I beieve you are right with having a look into the matching literature which I know a bit less. Here is a ...
Bayesian's user avatar
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Matching problem in continuous time

Yes, it is correct. You can (for instance) write a Taylor expansion: \begin{align*} [1-(1-\frac{x}{un})^n]^x & = [1-e^{n ln(1-\frac{x}{un})}]^x \\ & = [1-e^{n (-\frac{x}{un} + o(\frac{1}{n}))}]...
Oliv's user avatar
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Matching problem in continuous time

An alternative approximating approach you could use as as check might be to say there are $X$ job offers in total and $u$ unemployed. So the probability that an individual does not get a particular ...
Henry's user avatar
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Code finding all stable matchings in one-to-one problem

The matchingMarkets package in the R software now implements two constraint encoding functions to find all stable matchings in the three most common matching problems: ...
kleindotuk's user avatar
2 votes

Gale-Shapley Follow-up Literature and General Questions

This is a very old question but I just want to add a few notes not covered in ml0105's great answer. What sort of literature has been done building off of this? ... What sort of applications does the ...
cottontail's user avatar
2 votes

Can one have a two-sided matching market where one side is not restricted to being matched to just one of the other side?

Yes, this is called a "many to one" matching. Many to many matchings also exist. Note that not all many to one matchings are a two-sided matching market. E.g., if I buy several oranges, that ...
Giskard's user avatar
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1 vote

Relationship between two-sided and one-sided matching markets

Is there formal relationship between these two classes of problems or are they incomparable in general? In two-sided matching markets, the welfare of both sides matter (we need to consider the ...
cottontail's user avatar
1 vote

Is matching combined with Diff-in-Diff a bad idea?

Is matching combined with Diff-in-Diff a bad idea? No. But, as with anything, it depends on the context. One point to consider is that you should match on pre-treatment characteristics, because ...
BB King's user avatar
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Resourcess to study matching (game theory)

We used Optimal Transport Methods in Economics by Alfred Galichon in a graduate level class
Papayapap's user avatar
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Integration in Assignment/Match Model

The answer is extremely simple. Because the definition of a positive assortative matching with continuous variable is that $1-G(g)=1-K(k(g)) \forall g$, where $G$ and $K$ are the cdf of $g$ and $\...
Alalalalaki's user avatar
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Multi-item multi-unit matching markets

I can't suggest any research papers, but I can suggest one way of studying this problem: using an agent-based model. For example, this is a simple model of an auction on NetLogo: https://ccl....
Drashti Shah's user avatar

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