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Diff-in-diff with different treatment years, what would be time dummy for control?

Assume you have a dataset $\{Y_{it},X_{it},D_{it}\}$ where $Y_{it}$ is the dependent variable, $X_{it}$ are control variables and $D_{it}$ is an indicator which for observational unit $i$ is equal to $...
Jesper Hybel's user avatar
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Difference between unconfoundedness and parallel trends

You're pretty much correct - the two assumptions are very similar. The only difference is that the Parallel Trends assumption allows for differences between the treatment group and the control group (...
matthewoulton's user avatar
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Event Study and Diff-n-Diff

DiD and Event Study are two different "model-based" research designs ("model-based" means the estimand is identified using assumptions, see Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham's slides). ...
Alalalalaki's user avatar
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Event Study and Diff-n-Diff

My understanding is that the difference is largely semantic. The term 'Event Study' or 'Event Study Design' originates in Finance, not in Economics. It can be used differently in Finance papers than ...
matthewoulton's user avatar
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Event Study and Diff-n-Diff

There are differences: Differences-in-Differences: is very specific term for a regression, which regressed the difference in treatment status on differences in outcomes. It is a specific type of model....
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