Hi I'm Sean. I work for Eversource Inc. making sure the lights stay on in New England. Obviously, any views I express here are my own and do not reflect the views of Eversource.
I have a bachelors in Applied Economics but I wimped out of pursuing a graduate degree right after graduating because I saw my accrued interest on my student loans...
So now I learn things and make money too! But I do plan to do more school, probably a masters business analytics at UCONN, although I'm on the fence.
I love time series economics, macroeconomics, and I now know a bit about energy markets too! I'm also a big fan of programming, especially in fun high level languages, and C-like languages (C, C++, C#, a little D).
I love music, and play guitar, violin, banjo, and shakuhachi. I also enjoying rowing, running, and weight lifting.
I have two cats that I love.
If you have any questions about me or my posts, contact me at: [email protected].