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anguyen1210's user avatar
anguyen1210's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
3 votes

on the FRED website where do i find definitions of the variables they give charts of?

2 votes

Why does increasing the money supply decrease the interest rate in layman's terms?

2 votes

R's felm() fixed effects vs. factor() within lm()

2 votes

Are there any analysis of what is the net benefit of NASA program to US economy?

1 vote

GDP per Capita in Panel Data: Must the base year be the same for all cross-sections?

1 vote

Could you recommend a book or lecture notes about time series that is easy to understand?

1 vote

Age effect when controling for individual fixed effects and time fixed effects

1 vote

Useful software for notes and graphs in economics?

1 vote

Difference between unemployment rate between ILO and bureau of labor statistics

1 vote

Questions about the Edgeworth box

0 votes

Why does a reduction in money demand lead to a rightward shift in the LM curve?

0 votes

Fixed Effects Model Interpretation