Martin Van der Linden's user avatar
Martin Van der Linden's user avatar
Martin Van der Linden's user avatar
Martin Van der Linden
  • Member for 9 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
37 votes

Seminal papers that later were proven to contain errors

19 votes

Fundamental equations in economics

13 votes

Contest: earliest written instance of economic thought

12 votes

What is the definition of "First Best", "Second Best", etc. in contract theory?

10 votes

Has the Nash Equilibrium led to any significant economic discoveries?

9 votes

What does Battigalli really mean by "Players can not choose strategies, they can only choose actions."?

9 votes

Situations where revelation principle may not hold

9 votes

Preference over lotteries without independence axiom

9 votes

Good books to learn social choice theory

8 votes

What are some further readings in Econometrics you recommend?

8 votes

What is the economic purpose of increasing the minimum wage?

8 votes

Consequences of hyperbolic discounting

8 votes

R in econ departments?

8 votes

Simple Sketch of Mirrlees 1971

7 votes

What kind of economic freeware exists for economics students?

7 votes

Papers that use R vs Stata

7 votes

Real-life applications of repeated games theory

7 votes

Why do stock exchanges not operate at a fixed frequency?

6 votes

Policy relevance of the optimal taxation given uncertainty about social welfare specification

5 votes

Alternatives to Pigouvian tax

5 votes

Recover cost function from profit function

5 votes

Lee and Saez (2012): Pareto-Improvement?

5 votes

Can the Machina Paradox be solved by expanding the choice set?

5 votes

Experiments contradicting the expected utility model

5 votes

Why are ecology and economics seemingly disjunct topics?

5 votes

Are there any non-paywalled reputable economics journals?

5 votes

Are there any non-paywalled reputable economics journals?

5 votes

Economics and Euclidean geometry

4 votes

Conditions for an additive value function

4 votes

Is it possible to give, in economics, an example of a relation ( set of ordered pairs) that is not a function?