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Sander Heinsalu's user avatar
Sander Heinsalu
  • Member for 9 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
5 votes

Does risk aversion cause diminishing marginal utility, or vice versa?

4 votes

Experiments contradicting the expected utility model

4 votes

For what demand function is a monopoly most harmful?

3 votes

Distribution of firm sizes and firm age

3 votes

Mechanism design when the set of feasible decisions depends on types

3 votes

Indirect utility from expenditure function

3 votes

on economic growth and Second Welfare theorem

3 votes

Why does Slutsky compensation "overcompensate" the consumer?

3 votes

Is free trade transitive?

3 votes

Economics PhD graduate?

3 votes

Is egyptology a pyramid scheme: Self-perpetuating university programs

2 votes

What is the difference between constant elasticity of substitution and elasticity of substitution?

2 votes


2 votes

For a certain good, if there is a one-time fixed cost for a consumer to switch to a different firm, then this good is?

2 votes

Why would a politician sollicit foreign investors to come and buy real estate?

2 votes

What is an equilibrium generated by replication?

2 votes

Yield curve flattening- abstract question

2 votes

Is there a universal type space involving infinite players?

2 votes

One-shot deviation principle for infinite repeated games and dynamic programming

2 votes

Is the implicit function theorem needed to relate the EMP to UMP?

1 vote

Why do we need both the UMP and the EMP?

1 vote

Any study on performance gap between optimal mechanism and linear mechanism?

1 vote

How likely are the Sonnenschein-Mantel-Debreu results?

1 vote

Why is it possible to calibrate your subjective probabilities?

1 vote

eBay economics - total revenue impact from expanding ecosystem by 1 seller

1 vote

What is the difference between solving for utility maximization separately or aggregately?

1 vote

Is there any reason deflation would reduce profits?

1 vote

Why does the retiree to contributor ratio matter when discussing the solvency of Social Security?

0 votes

What does it mean to "print money"?

0 votes

Sign of substitution and income effect of a price change