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Mick's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 2 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
14 votes

Why must the rate of GDP growth be positive?

5 votes

How is the interest on fractional reserve money creation paid?

4 votes

Why is an inflation rate of 2% optimal?

4 votes

Is there any intuitive way to distinguish "sovereign money" and "bank money"?

3 votes

Why have bank deposits gone down with rising interest rates?

3 votes

Fractional reserve banking and the value of someone else's currency

3 votes

Long-term interest rate and stock market correlation

3 votes

Does control system engineering have a place in economics?

3 votes

Are there countries with free banking?

3 votes

How do you find out how much money is in circulation?

3 votes

How is money created?

3 votes

Why recent crises all started with a housing bubble?

2 votes

Is money a conserved quantity?

2 votes

Does the inflation rate reflect only the change in quantity of money?

2 votes

What's wrong with have a 'one second tick' on stock market trades, to prevent high frequency trading?

2 votes

Government bonds and printing money

2 votes

How is money created on net?

2 votes

What level are EU tariffs mostly?

2 votes

If no one knew about inflation, would inflation take place?

2 votes

Wouldn't an unconditional basic income lead to an inflation that negates its effect?

2 votes

What is the mechanism for when the fed purchases a gov't or corporate bond from a non bank?

1 vote

Money supply vs inflation - repository of raw data?

1 vote

Money Creation Confusion

1 vote

How is a country's interest rate and inflation linked?

1 vote

Do bankers have important and difficult jobs?

1 vote

What's quantitative easing?

1 vote

Free source of large amounts of financial data

1 vote

If I want to create my own currency model what would be the best basic options / things / ideas I need to look into?

1 vote

Low interest rates - who benefits, rich or poor?

1 vote

During deflation, is there any risk on 'printing' money?