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Fix.B.'s user avatar
Fix.B.'s user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
  • USA
6 votes

How did Portugal draw down their interest rates on pubic debt?

6 votes

Would healthcare costs increase (in the long term) if all smokers quit?

5 votes

What is Negative Interest Rate?

5 votes

Why do central banks currently favor cheap money policies?

4 votes

How do interest rates affect the distribution of wealth?

4 votes

Why did the Fed raise interest rates between 2004 and 2006?

4 votes

Financial Economics Textbooks

4 votes

Could massive derivatives exposures at banks lead to disaster?

3 votes

How did the Bail-In in Cyprus Work?

3 votes

Firm Sizes over the business cycle

3 votes

Russian ruble drop in value due to low oil prices

3 votes

Solution Method for Infinite-Horizon Maximization Problem

3 votes

Is there an alternative metric to GDP that measures a country's assets rather than flows?

3 votes

What analysis has been done to predict the next big financial crash?

3 votes

Convert DSGE paper to structural econometrics, anything to be noted?

3 votes

Why is deflation not considered the opposite of inflation?

3 votes

What sort of impact would one expect on investment as a result of an approaching election?

3 votes

How can valuable retail real-estate stay vacant for an extended period of time?

3 votes

What would be the economic impact of the "fair tax" plan?

3 votes

Using another person's guess as an IV

2 votes

Why are some goods without close substitutes not sold in some countries?

2 votes

Argentine default: "Rights upon future offers"

2 votes

How does the ban on surge pricing affect the companies, customers and the economy?

2 votes

Binding constraints at second-best optimum

2 votes

Is increasing the money supply possible with a gold standard? How about controlling interest rates?

2 votes

Why would Switzerland, with its export-driven economy, worry about weakening against the dollar?

2 votes

Limits to Quantitative Easing Programmes

2 votes

Producer's cost for buying full solution vs. buying parts

2 votes

Financial integration and connection between savings and investment

2 votes

Does decreasing marginal utility imply risk aversion?