Marx wrote that only humans can create value. But why is that so? Ok humans can, with their work, create more value than they need to consume in food and so on, that's obvious. But why is this so important? There has to be a physical explaination as to why they can create much more value than they need to supply themselves. How efficient is the human body in energy creation?
Another thing can comes to my mind is that everyone talks about that in a few years, everything will be automated and there will be no jobs left.
But if everything is done by machines, then there can't be profit. Because machines can only create things that have less value than the machine itself., otherwise you would have an perpetuum mobile, which is according to the laws of thermodynanics impossible. Ok it depends of course on demand. If demand is very high, then you can make profit, but assuming that there is equilibrium of supply and demand, then you always make a loss if you only produce with machines.
Has anyone every recognized that fact? If everything is automated, then capitalism will abolish itself. How can there be profit if everything is automated? Why does no one see this?