The VCG mechanism I've learnt is from Roughgarden's Twenty Lectures on Algorithmic Game Theory. Given an auction, we first identify the allocation that maximize the social welfare and then compute the payment for each agent according to the formulas given. In the case of reverse auction, according to this thread, the social welfare in a reverse auction is defined as:
$$\sum_{i=1}^n x_i (v_0 - c_i)$$
where we have one buyer who values the good to be procured at $v_0$ and $n$ sellers who can produce the good at private cost $c_i$, and $x_i$ indicates the outcome(allocation).
I was wondering, in reverse auction, whether or not the VCG mechanism is implemented exactly the same way as in Roughgarden's Twenty Lectures on Algorithmic Game Theory (section 7.2) ?