Firm 1, the incumbent, sets quantity q1 first, then firm 2 enters the market and sets quantity q2, knowing q1. Lastly, firm 2 enters the market and sets quantity q3, knowing q1 and q2.
Firms are symmetric. There is a possibility of entry deterrence, however, for this case I assume that no firm will deter other firm’s entry.
I maximize profit of firm 3, taking q1 and q2 as given, get a reaction function q3 (q1, q2).
Then I maximize profit of firm 2, taking q1 as given but substituting q3 with reaction function of firm 3. I get a reaction function q2 (q1).
Then I maximize profit of firm 1, substituting quantities of both firms with their reaction functions. In a two-firm Stackelberg model I would get some number or a combination of constants, which is not dependent on the quantity of the “follower” firm. However, here I get a reaction function, which depends on q2.
I believe that I should’ve substituted reaction function q2 (q1) into q3 (q1, q2) to get a profit function of firm 1 which depends solely on q1. I’m unsure whether it is right from the theoretical/intuitive perspective. Firm 3 observes quantity set by firm 2 but does it observe its reaction function? Usually we assume that the “leader” correctly anticipates the quantity set by the “follower” but does it work the other way?