I'm currently using Structural vector autoregressive models by Kevin Kotzé to learn Vector Autoregression. One of the points that it makes is the following:
the number of restrictions that we need to impose is equivalent to the number of terms in the lower (or upper) triangle of the B matrix, which is $(K^2-K)/2$
where our model is the following VAR(1) ($y_t$ is a K-dimensional vector of variables):
$B y_t = \Gamma_0 + \Gamma_1 y_{t-1} + \varepsilon_t$, which leads to the following reduced-form VAR:
$y_t = A_0 + A_1 y_{t-1} + u_t$
In the bivariate case, this seems to make sense as with $K=2$, we can easily solve the system of equations and find all the structural VAR parameters. However, it's not totally obvious to me:
a) Why $(K^2-K)/2$ is the magic number that allows us to deduce the structural parameters - I understand it is equivalent to the upper triangle of B.
b) How we know that given this amount of restrictions, we can always solve for all the structural parameters. I calculated by hand and was able to convince myself for $K=2$, but it's not immediately obvious that higher dimensions will follow similarly.
I'm wondering if there are any proofs or more rigorous illustrations as to why this result can be true for all $K$.