I need Stata commands or Excel function to calculate the average over 5 years groups of the values in a panel dataset. In particular, this procedure as to take into account the presence of possible missing values (empty cells in Excel) and thus adjust the computation accordingly to the actual number of non-missing in the period.
2 Answers
Is this what you want (in Stata)?
clear all
* Generate Data (n=5, T=20)
set obs 100
gen id = floor((_n-1)/20)+1
by id, sort: gen year = 1990+_n
gen x = rnormal()
xtset id year
* Convert
gen t5 = floor((year-1991)/5)+1
gen idt5 = id*10+t5 /* 10 can be 100, 1000, etc., depending on T */
by idt5, sort: egen xbar5 = mean(x)
*drop t5 idt5 /* drop if you want; you can also use tempvar */
If not, please clarify your question using an example.
Use the tssmooth ma
command. Use the window()
option to control time periods to be included in the average.
. use http://www.stata-press.com/data/r14/abdata, clear
. keep id year wage
. quietly keep if id == 1 | id == 2
. quietly xtset id year
. ** moving average of 2 years before, 2 years after, and the current year
. tssmooth ma wage_moving_avg_5yr = wage, window(2 1 2)
The smoother applied was
by id : (1/5)*[x(t-2) + x(t-1) + 1*x(t) + x(t+1) + x(t+2)]; x(t)= wage
. list
| year wage id wage_m~r |
1. | 1977 13.1516 1 12.7643 |
2. | 1978 12.3018 1 13.0242 |
3. | 1979 12.8395 1 13.2773 |
4. | 1980 13.8039 1 13.6206 |
5. | 1981 14.2897 1 13.91592 |
6. | 1982 14.8681 1 14.18503 |
7. | 1983 13.7784 1 14.31207 |
8. | 1977 14.7909 2 14.61597 |
9. | 1978 14.1036 2 14.83472 |
10. | 1979 14.9534 2 15.10716 |
11. | 1980 15.491 2 15.37526 |
12. | 1981 16.1969 2 15.81556 |
13. | 1982 16.1314 2 16.0311 |
14. | 1983 16.3051 2 16.21113 |
Note that this command takes what's available in the specified time period. For example, for year 1977, since two previous years are not available, it simply calculate the average of current year and the next two years.
function will ignore empty or non-numeric cells (though not error cells) $\endgroup$