I think that the best way for me to ask my question would be to start with an example.
Suppose that consumers have a two-period horizon and their instantaneous utility is: $\:$
$U(C_{t})=ln \: C_{t}$
Where $C_{t}>0$$\:$ denotes consumption. Assume that agents supply a fixed amount of labour $L$ and have no initial bonds $B$ or capital $K$. Agents discount utility of the second period with the discount factor $1>\beta>0$. $\:$
The budget constraint is: $\:$
$C_{1}+\frac{C_{2}}{1+r_{1}}$ =$\:$ $(w/P)_{1}$$L$ $\:$ + $\frac{(w/P)_{2}L}{1+r_{1}}$ $\:$
The Lagrangian is: $\:$
$\mathcal L = \ln C_1 + \beta \ln C_2 - \mu \left[ C_1 + \frac{C_2}{1+r_1} -(w / P)_{1} L - \frac{(w/P)_{2}L}{1+r_{1}} \right]$
I now have two questions:
Assuming that I compute the correct FOCs, how do I go about deriving the consumption euler equation? $\:$
Could you guys please help me with the formatting of my lagrangian? I want to make the square parentheses large enough to encapsulate everything. $\:$
. You've used it a lot, but it's not necessary. $\endgroup$