
A simple research work for my intermediate microeconomics course. I searched for it and didn't find it on Varian's and Pindyck's.


1 Answer 1


From the Google Scholar search results for "predatory pricing economics":

  1. The current state of the law and economics of predatory pricing
    AK Klevorick - The American Economic Review, 1993

  2. Predatory pricing: Strategic theory and legal policy
    P Bolton, JF Brodley, MH Riordan - Geo. LJ, 1999 - HeinOnline

  3. Stopping above-cost predatory pricing
    AS Edlin - Yale LJ, 2001 - HeinOnline

  4. The economics of predation: What drives pricing when there is learning-by-doing?
    D Besanko, U Doraszelski, Y Kryukov - American Economic Review, 2014 - aeaweb.org


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