MR = d(Total revenue)/dQuantity = d (Price * Quantity)/dQuanitity
This is the same as this : MR = P(Q) + dP/dQ
I did it with an example and it amazed me how both are equal but I still dont get how. They seem to be different formulas, maybe somebody can get from one to other step by step and then I can connect it.
Also, the second formulas makes that : MR = P(Q) * (1+ 1/elasticity(Q)) And then it is converted to: MR = P(Q) * (1- absolute value of (1/elasticity(Q))
This last step of converting the parenthesis in negative I guess its because usually the demand function looks like this : Q = 100 - P; Therefore the inverse demand : P = 100 - Q
That is what I'm guessing but I would appreciate a deeper explanation.