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Questions tagged [elasticity]

Elasticity is the measurement of how responsive an economic variable is to a change in another.

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How quickly does the chicken market move to equilibrium?

In Poland, people protest against the plan to build a chicken farm next to their homes and succeed in stopping it. Let’s say the farm would’ve produced 10,000 tonnes of chicken per year. How much less ...
Saulius Šimčikas's user avatar
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Point estimate or rate of change for price elasticity using observational data

Coming from a different background, I can't quite get my head around around estimation of price elasticity from observational data. It seems that most of the materials online suggest using a log-log ...
shiftyscales's user avatar
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Why is price gouging better than emergency rationing for essential goods and services during disasters?

A recent opinion piece in the Wall Street defended 'price gouging'- charging excessively high prices for essential goods in a disaster zone. In this video, the example used is of a hurricane hitting a ...
anonymous_inquirer's user avatar
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Why do economists deliberately conflate willingness and ability to pay in the context of price signals and price gouging?

Economists tend to disagree with price gouging legislation, because they agree with price gouging and posit that it ensures the most "efficient" distribution of resources during a crisis. ...
anonymous_inquirer's user avatar
3 votes
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Elasticity of demand calculation yields unit elasticity at $0. What's wrong?

I was trying to solve $E_D=\dfrac{dQ}{dP}\cdot\dfrac{P}{Q}=-1$, assuming $Q\neq0$. $$ \begin{align*} P\ dQ&=-Q\ dP\\ \int P\ dQ&=-\int Q\ dP\\ \end{align*} $$ Integration by parts yields: $$ \...
Void Break's user avatar
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Comparative Statics - Capital Augmenting Technological Change

I am reading the article by Acemoglu and Restrepo (AEA Papers and Proceedings, 2018) and have encountered some difficulties deriving equation (1). I hope you can help me work through it. The aggregate ...
Dimitru's user avatar
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Set the price to maximize profits

Suppose there's a patented and perishable product that all people will need sometime in their lives which they would rationally give all the resources they could access to purchase. How would a seller ...
user121330's user avatar
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Implications of assuming quadratic utility; the search for an alternative

In this answer, I was pointed to the utility function $$ U(c, y) = c - \frac{c^2}{2} + y $$ with corresponding demand function $$ c(p) = 1 -p $$ which is inelastic for $p < 1/2$. Something that ...
Anthony's user avatar
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Log-Log Regression versus Delta-Delta Regression

I am trying to estimate the self- and cross-price elasticities of demand for Alaska (AS) and Southwest (WN) on a given route. I have price in quantity data that varies over time. Which of the ...
Nathan Evans's user avatar
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Why is land considered fixed if the supply of land for a particular use is not fixed?

There is a very strong consensus that the supply of land is fixed or perfectly inelastic. However, I found this article by Wyatt (1994) that contests this view: To begin with, the conventional wisdom ...
Victor Nielsen's user avatar
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Modified Elasticity Calculation

I have 5 yrs worth of price and unit sold data for retail products. Generally these products have MRP and sold at some discount. I want to create elasticity curve for these products. However over a ...
Sourabh's user avatar
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Ideal timeframe to consider for elasticity curve

I have transaction data for luxury retail domain. It is roughly 5 years of transaction data which provides week / month level details in terms of number of units being sold at a given price point. I ...
Sourabh's user avatar
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Assuming a fall in price, does consumer surplus fall more with elastic or inelastic price elasticity of demand

I know that the total consumer surplus is higher for more inelastic P.E.D values, which makes intuitive sense: People would be willing to pay more than they actually do for inelastic goods e.g. a ...
Hallojvjknvve's user avatar
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What kind of data should I use for estimating price elasticity of demand?

I’m planning to use the log-log model to estimate price elasticity of demand $$\ln(Q) = \beta_0 +\beta_1\ln(P) $$ I’m already aware of its drawbacks and that there are other estimation methods, but I ...
martizarra's user avatar
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How do you calculate price elasticity of aggregate demand?

Price elasticity of demand is defined as $\frac{\delta q}{q}\frac{p}{\delta p}$. If aggregate demand $q = q_1 + \ldots + q_n$, then $\delta q = \delta q_1 + \ldots + \delta q_n$, and the price ...
Reddit At Work's user avatar
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Modeling Approach to Adjust linear Elasticity Effect in Pricing Optimization

I am working on a pricing optimization model for a product where the price depends on the competition as well as our costs. The current formulation of the model is: ...
MarcM's user avatar
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Is cross-price elasticity a Cobb-Douglas production function?

This may seem like a silly question... Well... I guess, because it really is... But I have just realized that the intuition behind both principles may not be mutually exclusive. Consider we would like ...
Athaeneus's user avatar
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Utility functions that exhibit nonconstant elasticity of marginal utility

Consider there is a single good in the economy. The class of utility functions for which the elasticity of marginal utility $\eta$ is constant is given by $$U(C)=\frac{C^{1-\eta}}{1-\eta}$$ for $\eta&...
kenji's user avatar
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elasticity of labor supply

Labor supply is $ L(s,H) = \frac{f(\theta)}{s + f(\theta)} H $ Now the elasticity wrt to tightness $\theta$ is supposed to be $\epsilon_L= \epsilon_f - \frac{f(\theta)}{s + f(\theta)} \epsilon_f$ ...
Papayapap's user avatar
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Significance of simultaneity BIAS in local retail shop belonging to a big retail chain

This question follows from the previous question on multiplicative BIAS in cross-price elasticity, but I think it deserves its own space. I have scanner data from a small store branch belonging to a ...
Athaeneus's user avatar
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Incorporate fixed effect in pricing decisions with linear models

I have the following model the predict the log of volume: fixed_effect + day_of_week_effect + elasticity*(Price - competitor_price). I want to formulate an optimization problem that maximize my profit ...
MarcM's user avatar
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Why does the price of firewood from Ardennes forests rise when the price of natural gas from the North Sea rises?

I have an exam question from last year that I don't understand. I have to explain this : why does the price of firewood from Ardennes forests rise when the price of natural gas from the North Sea ...
TexDuinoCpp's user avatar
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Elasticity of job-finding rate

The job-finding rate is $ f(\theta) = \omega \theta^{1-\eta} $ Then the elasticity wrt to tightness is $\epsilon= \frac{d f}{d \theta} \frac{\theta}{f} = \frac{d ln(f)}{d ln(\theta)} = \frac{d ln(\...
Papayapap's user avatar
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Example of a utility function which yields inelastic demand function

I am looking for a example of a utility function which, when the utility maximisation problem is solved, results in an inelastic demand. The standard examples in textbooks always seem to have unitary ...
Anthony's user avatar
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Deriving the tax incidence formula -- what am I doing wrong?

I'm trying to derive the tax incidence for an excise $t$ so that producers receive $p$ and consumers pay $q=p+t$ per unit. The formula I am seeing everywhere is some version of $$ \frac{\mathrm{d}p}{\...
alcedine's user avatar
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Definition of semi-elasticity

The "$x$-elasticity of $y$" is defined as $\epsilon = \dfrac{\partial y/y}{\partial x/x}$. The $x$ goes down, and the $y$ goes up. But we have two definitions of semi-elasticity: $\epsilon_1 ...
robertspierre's user avatar
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Calculation of simple elasticity problem

I'm reading Advanced Macroeconomics by Romer and having trouble to understand very simple calculation provided in just one sentence. Define real money market equilibrium condition as $(\frac{M}{P})^s=...
postasguest's user avatar
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MCQ on income and substitution effects

Person A spends their income only on bread and cheese. Given a rise in the price of bread leaving income constant and the price of cheese constant, the consumer consumes less bread and less cheese. ...
secretrevaler's user avatar
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the income elasticity at the mean values

What is the formula of the income elasticity at the mean values? I have two variables, I is income and C is consumption. And I have 10 observations (sample size) Regresison equation $$C = a + bI $$ ...
studentp's user avatar
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why is increasing price not more profitable when the demand is unitary elastic?

according to the theory (if p-p1=q-q1), the total revenue remains the same because the demand decreases by the same percentage price does. If this is the elasticity of a product, the company ...
wjkrkdfjkn's user avatar
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Price elasticity of demand when total expenditure is constant

I was recently given the following question: assuming that a consumer's total expenditure for a good does not change when the price of that good declines, what is the price elasticity of that consumer'...
asdf's user avatar
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Is the supply and demand elasticity equal at the equilibrium?

I am working through homeowrk problems and we were asked to calculate the supply and demand at the equilibruim using either the point or arc method. I chose to use the point method and will provide a ...
jl2005's user avatar
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Inequality and effect on pricing

Suppose there’s an island that for whatever reason has a finite amount of US Dollars; 1000 residents live on the island and use this fixed amount of currency to exchange goods and services. Suddenly, ...
jbuddy_13's user avatar
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What point am I calculating the PED (Price Elasticity of demand)

I'm at a very basic level of economics (highschool), so what I write may not be very coherent, i'm just a bit confused and I can't get any book or source to awnser the question I have. See, the ...
Matin Gomez-Pablos's user avatar
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Elasticity computations and revenue

I would have appreciated some help in this issue. I have a demand schedule that looks like this ...
Yozi's user avatar
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Price elasticity of demand coefficient

I am working on the following question: AS price increases along a straight line demand curve, will the price elasticity of demand coefficient increase, decrease or remain unchanged? The answer states ...
Isabelle's user avatar
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Elasticity computation

Suppose that we have the following regression: $$ln (h) = e_{0} + e_{1} ln (w) + u$$. Isn't elasticity $e_{1}$? in other words: $\frac{\delta ln (h)}{\delta ln (w)}$? I am a bit confused since I have ...
Giordano's user avatar
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Why don't producers of goods with inelastic demand refuse to increase supply?

I'm reading Paul Samuelson's Economics (19th edition, 2009). In page 71, the Paradox of the Bumper Harvest is introduced. According to the paradox, an increase in food supply from a good harvest ...
Guilherme Ferrão's user avatar
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Is the price elasticity of a product equal to the sum of all cross-price elasticities of demand for that product? Why?

I encountered the claim stated in the title, without it being further substantiated. I'm looking for some elaboration on it, assuming it's true. Also on an intuitive level.
Nasan's user avatar
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Why is the demand curve inelastic for essential items?

Elasticity refers to the percent change in quantity with respect to the percent change in price. Elastic means that the percent change in quantity is greater than the percent change in price. ...
Arunabh's user avatar
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Price Elasticiyt of Demand & (AR - MR)

I have the following question: Using this equation: $MR = P(1+\frac{1}{ε})$ and the attached graph. How does the vertical distance between the demand curve and MR curve at a given level of output ...
CormJack's user avatar
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Different methods to calculate price elasticity

I was testing different methods to calculate price elasticities in simple theoretical scenarios and I encountered a seemingly discrepancy between two very popular methodologies. Methodology 1: use the ...
neutrino's user avatar
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Elasticity of substitution between capital and effective labour

While going through the derivation of elasticity of substitution between capital and effective labour in economic materials for a Slow growth model, I found the following step there: $\frac{\partial ...
A. G's user avatar
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Different elasticities of substitution

I have been reading into generalizations of the concept of elasticity of substitution for more goods/inputs and three main possibilities emerged: Hicksian EOS Allen-Uzawa EOS Morishima EOS HICKS As ...
Athaeneus's user avatar
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Which utility functions generate constant (but arbitrary) price/income elasticity of demand functions?

I want to estimate a demand function, and for convenience, I would suppose it has constant price and income elasticities: $\varepsilon$ and $\eta$, let's say. That is, demand $x_i(p, w)$ would be ...
Joao Francisco Cabral Perez's user avatar
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Optimised Pricing with Static Price Data

If you have price data going back several years, but the price is constant, is there any way to work out the elasticity of demand (or dynamically optimise prices another way). The sales volume is in ...
Ben Marshall's user avatar
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Truth behind Samuelson's statement against elasticities

I found the following statement by Paul Samuelson: Through the influence of Alfred Marshall economists have developed a fondness for certain dimensionless expressions called elasticity coefficients. ...
Athaeneus's user avatar
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Price Elasticity with real monthly data

Is it possible to calculate the Price elasticity based on the following set of data? I tried with the formulas widely available, but looks like the results are not correct.
John's user avatar
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How to determine elasticity of demand when equation has more than one variable

How should one go about determining the own price elasticity of demand of the following: Assume that the market demand for barley is given by: Q=1,900−4PB+0.1M+2PW , where Q is the quantity of barley ...
John M Keynes's user avatar
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why is diamond an inelastic good?

I understand that since diamonds are valued as rare, high-value items in society, even when the price for them increases, the quantity demanded remains the same. That is, people are willing to pay ...
Susanoo D Ace's user avatar

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