Economist Paul Krugman said this in a 1993 journal paper:
The last 15 years have been a golden age of innovation in international economics. must somewhat depressingly conclude, however, that this innovative stuff is not a priority for today's undergraduates. In the last decade of the 20th century, the essential things to teach students are still the insights of Hume and Ricardo. That is, we need to teach them that trade deficits are self-correcting and that the benefits of trade do not depend on a country having an absolute advantage over its rivals. If we can teach undergrads to wince when they hear some. one talk about "competitiveness,” we will have done our nation a great service.
Now Ricardo showed that the benefits of trade depend on comparative advantage and not absolute advantage. But I’m interested in the part in bold.
My question is, was it Hume or Ricardo who showed that trade deficits are self-correcting? And how did they do this?