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Log-Linearization in Calvo Pricing

Can anyone please provide a step by step derivation of the log-linearized form of the following equation. I've tried to get from the first equation to the second but to no avail. I'm really struggling....
Goldman Clarck's user avatar
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New Keynesian DSGE - Dynare

I have a question about solving New Keynesian models, particularly on Dynare. In some textbooks, I have seen that they log-linearize basic NK models and arrive at 3 equations, such as Phillips and IS ...
festakonik's user avatar
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how to Log-linear this equation?

I am working on my thesis, doing a model with energy price. I am following this paper "Energy Price Shocks and Financial Market Integration: Evidence from New Keynesian Model", Tarek ...
Alessia Gigliotti's user avatar
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Help with the log-linearization of a difficult term

I'm currently trying to retrace a log-linearization done in this paper. I want to log-linearize around the steady-state, as it is commonly done for DSGE models (see here). $\bar{x_t}$ are steady-state ...
mindandfields's user avatar
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Log-linearizing a second order term around the steady-state

I'm currently trying to retrace a log-linearization done in a paper. I want to log-linearize around the steady-state, as it is commonly done for DSGE models (see here) and I want to disregard all ...
mindandfields's user avatar
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Are typical macro DSGE (RBC or New Keynesian DSGE) models linear, non-linear, or log (linearized)?

In Carl Hommes 2015 book on Expectations, it seems he considers DSGE models (being it either RBC DSGE or New Keynesian DSGE) to be linear, or (log)linearized models, on page 3 of the introduction. He ...
Beck Batucada's user avatar