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Questions tagged [dynare]

Dynare is a software for handling a wide array of economic models, with specific focus on dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) and overlapping generations (OLG) models

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2 votes
1 answer

New Keynesian DSGE - Dynare

I have a question about solving New Keynesian models, particularly on Dynare. In some textbooks, I have seen that they log-linearize basic NK models and arrive at 3 equations, such as Phillips and IS ...
festakonik's user avatar
1 vote
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Search and Matching model Endogenous separation Walsh (2003)

I am trying to replicate the Search and Matching model Walsh (2003) I am struggling with the aggregate output of the wholesale sector (...
Paolo Bontempo's user avatar
1 vote
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Help me understand the shock process in this DSGE model

I'm looking at the model proposed in Hansen2020. The not linearized model features a shock equation looking like this: $A_t = \bar{A}*e^{\epsilon_t}$ , where $\bar{A}$ is the steady state of $A_t$ and ...
mindandfields's user avatar
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Monthly vs quarterly calibration of models

I'm struggling with moving from a quarterly calibration of a baseline NK model to the corresponding monthly calibration, so that IRFs give the same results with the appropriate timing. What are the ...
Luca Gi's user avatar
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6 votes
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Solving Rational Expectation Models Linear vs. Nonlinear

Since I am coding some linear New Keynesian models in python and solving them under rational expectations (using the method of undetermined coefficients/linear time iteration), I was wondering whether ...
Suttungr's user avatar
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Generalized method of moments in Dynare

I am new to dynare. I am trying to replicate the calibration of the paper 'Structural transformation and aggregate productivity' by Margarida Duarte and Diego Restuccia. (Picture attached) In this ...
Elina Gilbert's user avatar
3 votes
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Consumption smoothing in RBC Model

I have the following inter temporal utility function: $U(t)=(\frac{s(t)}{1-\sigma})(c_t/c_{t-1}^\gamma)^{(1-\sigma)} - \chi*h(t)$ where $h(t)$ is the hours worked. I know that gamma is responsible ...
Artur Mukhin's user avatar
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Running Dynare from Matlab

I am new to Dynare++ and I have really quick question I cannot seem to find the answer too. What is the difference between these two commands and why is the output different? ...
jessica's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Solving rational expectations model - Sims form

I am trying to solve my first ratex model and make some impulse response functions using Dynare. I am following Leeper (1991). This is what I have done so far: The utility function is $\log(c_{t})+\...
user11767's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How can I calculate with the average of the consumption in an RBC framework?

In the following open-economy RBC model consumption level ($C_t$) is not the most important for the representative households, but the difference of the consumption level and the earlier level of the ...
Übel Yildmar's user avatar
1 vote
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Evaluation around steady state for a specific DSGE Model

The following equations are taken from Ravenna, walsh: "Optimal Monetary Policy with Unemployment and Sticky Prices" (2011). (i)$$\frac{Z_{t}}{\mu_{t}} = w_t + \frac{\kappa}{q_{t}} - (1-\rho)E_{t}(\...
Ralle Kalle's user avatar
1 vote
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How call a function outside of .Mod file of Dynare? (using Command Prompt of MATLAB)

How we can call a function (for example dynare_sensitivity();) in command prompt of MATLAB not in .Mod file of Dynare? I can see ...
user2991243's user avatar
5 votes
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DSGE models (Dynare) are only based on simulations and approximations? (without data)

I'm beginner in DSGE models. Are they only based on simulations and approximations? Don't we have any real data-sets (for example interest rate, labor force, etc) ...
user2991243's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What resources are available for learning Dynare?

What resources are available for learning Dynare? I think it'd be nice to put together a list of resources that available to those new to Dynare. I've had a little experience with it but it'd be nice ...
jmbejara's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Can Dynare solve general equilibrium (GE) models with non-convex adjustment costs?

I know that Dynare (which sits on top of Matlab) can solve many kinds of dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) and overlapping generations (OLG) models. I also know that Dynare can handle some ...
BKay's user avatar
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