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3 votes
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Understanding agents selecting among markets

Let's say an entrepreneur can choose between starting a business in a competitive market with zero economic profit, and starting a business in a market that is not perfectly competitive with positive ...
Saram Meti's user avatar
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Looking for a term that explains market participants that lie about their participation to gain access to said market

I'm Looking for a term that explains the behavior of a market participants that will lie or exaggerate how much or what they offer in order to gain access to a market that would otherwise be ...
Gabriel Fair's user avatar
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Difference between LMSR and Liquidity-Sensitive LMSR

What is the difference between the LMSR (logarithmic market scoring rule) and the Liquidity-Sensitive LMSR (LS-LMSR) and what would cause prediction markets like Augur to focus on the later model?
Imagin Ation's user avatar
5 votes
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Prediction market based on LMSR: Sell, or buy other side?

Consider a prediction market with two outcomes (Yes and No) and a scoring rule based on Hansons’s LMSR, i.e. ln(ea+eb), where a and b are the number of Yes resp. No shares sold. Assume that I have ...
Joachim Breitner's user avatar
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Will the goods market be in equilbrium along the AD curve?

This is a question which was asked in the entrance to Jawaharlal Nehru University's (New Delhi) entrance for their post-grad program specializing in International Economics in 2014. Which of the ...
Jay's user avatar
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