Assume we have a model of OVG where there are 2 overlapping generations, youngs and olds, the agents are two period living. The utility function is logaritmic, and the production function is Cobb-Douglas.
I have to show that the solution for the social planner does not coincide with the equilibrium from the market. The social planner solves: $$\max \ln(c_t^y)+\beta \ln(c_{t}^o)$$ $$s.t.$$ $$c_t^y+\frac{c_t^o}{1+n}+k_{t+1}(1+n)-k_t=f(k_t)$$ Where the units are expressed in per capita terms and $n$ represents the population growth rate. The FOC for the social planner is $$\frac{c_{t}^o}{c_t^y}=\beta(1+n)$$ We know that in steady state the level of consumption is actually constant i.e. $c_t^o=c^o$ and $c^y_t=c^y$. What I am not getting is if I should replace this on the constraint in order to obtain the values of S.S. or if I need to take the FOC with respect to the $k$. I am a little bit lost, since I've already solved the problem for the market economy but I am having a hard time figuring out how to proceed. Any hint will be greatly appreciated.