Two players simultaneously announce a prime number less than 20.Denoting $p_{i}$ the number announced by the player $i$, the payoffs are:
-If $p_{1}+p_{2}<14$ each player receives as payment the value of $p_{i}+1$.
-If $p_{1}+p_{2} \geq{14}$ and $p_{i}<p_{j}$, player $i$ receives $p_{j}$ and the player $j$ receive $20-p_{i}$.
-If $p_{1}+p_{2} \geq{14}$ and $p_{i}=p_{j}$, each player receives a payoff $p_{i}$.
Q1:My game in normal form is correct?
\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline & 2 & 3&5&7&11&13&17&19 \\ \hline 2&3,3& 3,4&3,6 & 3,8&3,12&13,18&17,18&19,18\\ \hline 3 & 4,3 & 4,4& 4,5&4,8&11,17&13,17&17,17&19,17\\ \hline 5& 6,3 & 6,4& 6,6&6,8&11,15&13,15&17,15&19,15\\ \hline 7& 8,3 & 8,4& 8,6&7,7&11,13&13,13&17,13&19,13\\ \hline 11& 12,3 & 17,11& 15,11&13,11&11,11&13,9&17,9&19,9\\ \hline 13& 18,13 & 17,13& 15,13&13,13&9,13&13,13&17,7&19,7\\ \hline 17& 18,17 & 17,17& 15,17&13,17&9,17&7,17&17,17&19,3\\ \hline 19& 18,19 & 17,19& 15,19&13,19&9,19&7,19&3,19&19,19\\ \hline \end{array}
Q2:There are strictly dominated strategies? For the table, I think not. Is correct?