On the economics textbook it is written that GDP Income Approach can be calculated as:
[ Compensation of Employees + Operating Surplus + Consumption of Fixed Capital + Tax on Production and Imports - Subsidies ] (sometimes Consumption of Fixed Capital can be included in Operating Surplus - I think it depends on the textbook).
But when we usually learn about income in schools, we learn that people gain income in mainly 5 different forms - wages, rents, interest, and profit plus government income.
I get that Compensation of Employees can be considered as Wages, Operating Surplus as Profit, and Tax on Production and Imports as Government Income.
But what about interest and rent? How do we account for these two in the calculation above ([ ])? Consumption of Fixed Capital is all about "Depreciation" for fixed capital, not necessarily interest for capital goods. And I have no idea where rent (for borrowing land) is included in the above calculation.
So I would appreciate it if someone could explain where "Interest for capital goods (capital income)" and "Rent for borrowing land" is included in the calculation ([ ]).