I am wondering if you could use the standard deviation of a variable as a regressor in an econometrics model? Consider the following hypothetical model:
$$y_{it} = \alpha_0 + \alpha_{1}T_{it} + \alpha_{2}\sigma_{it}^T + u_{it}$$
Where $y$ is the some outcome variable (e.g. crop yields) in country $i$ at time $t$, $T$ is temperature, and $\sigma^T$ is the standard deviation of temperature. Could one interpret $\alpha_2$ in such a way that would indicate how increased volatility in temperature would impact crop yields?
i.e. testing if countries with greater temperature volatility $\implies$ more severe weather $\implies$ negatively impacts yields
What comes to mind is the use of volatility indices as independent variables, and I wonder if this would lead to a similar interpretation.