I have received the following dataset from our economics Professor. It has 15 observations and 4 variables - 'qsold' (quantity sold of product X), psn
(price of X), pcb
(price of a substitute product Y), adv
(expenditure on advertising of X). I am supposed to derive a demand function (qsold = B0 + B1 (psn) + B2 (pcb) + B3 (adv)
). Now theoretically, all three independent variables are supposed to have a relationship with qsold, however, I am supposed to explore only linear relationship, so, I tried to fit the following model.
qsold psn pcb adv
1183 1361.97 1405.78 3.22
974 1520.49 1369.17 3.39
1179 1361.43 1448.71 4.03
1258 1159.67 1465.12 3.91
1161 1297.74 1383.93 3.46
1052 1362.44 1450 3.64
992 1447.25 1404.4 3.55
1213 1316.93 1418.03 3.81
1133 1365.97 1391.95 4.21
1001 1283.92 1403.11 4.22
1221 1329.34 1428.9 3.38
1137 1278.41 1426.81 3.89
1112 1466.21 1442.68 3.65
1025 1355.73 1359.79 4.25
1277 1377.06 1455.03 3.35
lm(formula = qsold ~ psn + pcb + adv, data = df1)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-118.47 -31.59 12.42 39.46 92.43
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 635.4451 1240.7873 0.512 0.6187
psn -0.5897 0.2647 -2.228 0.0477 *
pcb 1.1835 0.6650 1.780 0.1027
adv -103.7231 62.7722 -1.652 0.1267
Signif. codes:
0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 72.57 on 11 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.5764, Adjusted R-squared: 0.4609
F-statistic: 4.99 on 3 and 11 DF, p-value: 0.02004
In the output above, only
is significant (based on t stats). Our Professor told us that we should consider only significant coefficients in the demand function. I am finding it difficult to agree with. In this case, if I consider only psn in my demand function, I am perhaps violating the null hypothesis, which is based on F stats (that all coefficients are 0). Also, if I consider onlypsn
I am essentially negating the combined effect of all three variables, and basically choosing a different model that what I fitted.adv
has a negative coefficient, which is against my theoretical understanding. As I have read that it has a positive correlation with the quantity demanded. How can I explain this relationship?
If possible please cite literature, which I can refer. Also, please note collecting data for other variables, increasing sample size, or fitting non-linear models is not a possibility.